Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk · EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (2024)

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (1)

G r a f t o n t o B r I S Ba n E n at I o n a l r a I lway l I n k

noMInatIon for rECoGnItIonaS

natIonal EnGInEErInG HErItaGE lanDMark

P r E Pa r E D f o r

E n G I n E E r I n G H E r I taG E au S t r a l I a ( n E wC a S t l E )

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (2)

Cover illustration taken from a postcard issued at the time of the Clarence river bridge opening. this is an early example of what, today, would be called “photoshopping”: kingsford Smith’s Southern Cross was never known to have been photographed in conjunction with the bridge.

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Introduction 1

HeritagemarkerNominationForm 2

TheFruitsof Federation—TheGraftonBrisbaneUniformGaugeRailwayandClarenceRiverBridge 4

1. tHE orIGInS of tHE ProjECt 4

2. fEDEralISM anD tHE 1921 royal CoMMISSIon 6

3. tHE Grafton-SoutH BrISBanE raIlway aS fIrSt fruItS of StanDarDISatIon 10

4. BuIlDInG tHE unIforM GauGE raIlway 13

5. tHE ClarEnCE rIvEr BrIDGE, Grafton 16

6. oPEnInG Day anD Early traffIC on tHE nEw raIlway 19


1. BaSIC Data 22

2. aSSESSMEnt of SIGnIfICanCE 22

Historical photos – the railway 23

Historical photos - Clarence River Bridge 25

Modern photos - the railway 27

Modern photos - the Clarence River bridge 28


IntErPrEtatIon StratEGy 29

StruCturE of IntErPrEtatIon PanEl for Grafton 29

DESIGn ProCESS for tHE PanEl ContEnt 29

ContEnt of tHE IntErPrEtatIon 30

loCatIon of tHE IntErPrEtatIon PanEl anD HErItaGE MarkEr 30

ManufaCturE 31

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funDInG 31

AppendixA letter of approval from australian rail track Corporation


Papers on the design and construction of the Clarence river bridge by j.w. roberts (transactions of Institution of Engineers australia, volume 13, 1932, pp. 369 to 381 and 405 to 414.)


Heritage listings for elements of the railway

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G r a f t o n t o B r I S Ba n E n at I o n a l r a I lway l I n k

noMInatIon for rECoGnItIon aS

natIonal EnGInEErInG HErItaGE lanDMark


this proposal has been prepared by Bill jordan, rod Caldwell and john Brougham on behalf of Engineering Heritage australia (newcastle).

The railway from South Grafton to Brisbane was the first link between Australia’s state capital cities using standard gauge track and heralded the first significant cooperation between the States and the Commonwealth in working towards a national railway network.

The railway, which was completed in 1932, had significant “firsts” for Australian railways:

the first (and only) double deck, road and rail, opening bascule bridge;

the first spiral track used to reduce grades;

the first of the works built under the Commonwealth and States Uniform Gauge Railway Project;

it raised important constitutional difficulties in addressing national infrastructure projects;

it achieved Commonwealth and State cooperation for directing major infrastructure works to the benefit of national defence requirements, as well as meeting the commercial needs of the States for development and rural transport.

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (6)


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HerItage marker nomInatIon Form

the administrator

Engineering Heritage australia

Engineers australia

Engineering House

11 national Circuit

Barton aCt 2600

Nameof work:GraftontoBrisbaneNationalRailwayLink

the above-named work is nominated to be recognized as a national Engineering Heritage landmark

Location,includingaddressandmapgridreferenceif afixedwork:

railway line from Grafton to Brisbane (South Brisbane Station) as shown on the locality map on the next page including the road/rail bridge over the Clarence river at Grafton.

Owner(name&address):rail Corporation new South wales, Po Box k349, Haymarket NSW 1238; Queensland Rail, 305 Edward Street (GPO Box 1429), Brisbane Qld 4001; lessee new South wales section australian rail track Corporation, Po Box 10343 Gouger Street, adelaide Sa 5000.

the owners and lessee have been advised of this nomination and the relevant letter of agreement for the ceremony at Grafton is attached (appendix a).

Accesstosite:at railway stations and overbridges along the route, otherwise under owner escort

NominatingBody:Engineering Heritage australia (newcastle)

Chair of Engineering Heritage australia (newcastle)





Typewritten Text


Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (7)


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Figure 1: Map showing the route highlighted.

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tHe FruIts oF FederatIon tHe graFton BrIsBane unIForm gauge raIlway and ClarenCe rIver


roBert lee

unIversIty oF western sydney

1.TheOriginsof theProject

The Grafton to South Brisbane railway was the first tangible result of the movement towards standardisation of railway gauges in Australia. At first it was railway professionals, headed by the commissioners of Australia’s state government-owned railways, who sought to resolve the problem. Immediately after federation in 1901 they began meeting regularly and in 1905 established a common loading gauge for future construction and sought to move towards uniformity of track gauge.1 from 1910, and more especially after 1920, it became a political movement as well. The Grafton to South Brisbane railway was the first railway built co-operatively by two states and the Commonwealth with funding from all three governments. a specially created railway Council on which the three governments were represented supervised its construction and its purposes were overtly national. Defence and ease of communication between states were the railway’s aims.

apart from the Commonwealth’s own trans-australia railway from Port augusta to kalgoorlie, built between 1912 and 1917, the Grafton to South Brisbane Railway was the first genuinely national railway project in Australia. For as long as economic considerations as seen by their owners, the state governments, drove railway policy, little could be expected in the way of the national integration of railways or gauge standardisation. However, following federation the political situation north of Australia became more volatile and in 1910 Britain’s first soldier, Field Marshall Kitchener, visited to analyse Australia’s defence, writing an influential report which formed the basis of future defence planning.2

His scathing observations on the shortcomings of Australia’s state-based railways were to be quoted for decades:Railway construction has resulted in lines which appear to be more favourable to an enemy invading Australia than to the defence of the country. Different gauges in most of the states isolate each system, and the want of systematic interior connexion makes the present lines running inland of little use for defence, though possibly of considerable value to an enemy who would have temporary command of the sea.�

Concerns about defence and lofty national aspirations differed greatly from the aims of railway construction in the colonial era, which focussed on developing the colonies’ economies in certain ways. In the case of new South wales, the colony’s development based on a centralisation of economic activity on Sydney had been the main aim of railway policy, expressed in the high priority given to completing the three radial main lines to their termini at albury, Bourke and wallangarra.

Queensland Railways had followed a different railway policy. Their aim was to connect ports with their hinterlands as cheaply as possible to open these for settlement. Economy had been the reason for the choice of a narrow gauge of 3ft 6in. In 1865 Queensland became the first place in the world where the construction of long-distance railways to such a narrow gauge was undertaken. Eventually there were no fewer than eleven separate railways in Queensland,

� Theloadinggaugedeterminesthedistanceatwhichstructuresmaybelocatedfromthekineticenvelopeofrollingstockasitmovesalongtrackor,moresimply,theheightandwidthofrollingstock.Thetrackgaugeisthedistancebetweentheinsideoftheheadsoftherails.ThethreemaintrackgaugesinAustraliain�920were5ft3in(�600mm,VictoriaandSouthAustralia),4ft8½in(�435mm,NSWandCommonwealth)and3ft6in(�067mm,Queensland,Tasmania,partsofSouthAustraliaandWesternAustralia).2 FieldMarshalViscountHoratioHerbertKitchenerofKhartoum,MemorandumontheDefenceofAustralia,Melbourne,GovernmentPrinter,�9�0.3 FieldMarshalViscountHoratioHerbertKitchenerofKhartoum,MemorandumontheDefenceofAustralia,Commonwealth Parliamentary Papers,�9�0,Vol2,p85.Kitchener’sobservationwasquotedslightlyinaccuratelyinThe Argus,8July�926.Theinaccuracies(inphrasingratherthanmeaning)indicatethatitwasaphrasewhichthejournalistrememberedratherthanlookedup,illustratinghowwellknownitwas.

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each serving a different port. In 1887 the first Queensland railway (Ipswich to Toowoomba, opened in sections between 1865 and 1869) was extended to wallangarra on the new South wales border. two years later the completion of the new South wales line across the new England tableland from newcastle to wallangarra (or wallan-Garra as the nSwGr curiously spelt it) created a rather circuitous rail route on two gauges between Sydney and Brisbane

Meanwhile, Queensland also had been building narrow-gauge lines southwards from South Brisbane, which also ultimately reached the New South Wales border. The first opened to Southport in January 1889, and six months later a branch opened from Ernest junction to nerang. there the terminus remained until its extension to tweed Heads, right on the border, in September 1903. tweeds Heads station was in fact just south of the border in new South Wales. The railway’s main function, although not its aim, was the burgeoning tourist traffic it created. Kirra and Coolangatta became the first surf beaches within easy reach of Brisbane by train, and weekend traffic was enormous. However, it was not a railway built for surfers and holiday-makers, even if these became its main users.

the nerang to tweed Heads extension was designed and built after federation. although it was not until 1905 that the commissioners of all australian state railways agreed to a common loading gauge as the new national standard, Queensland Railways built the railway to the New South Wales loading gauge with clearances and structures allowing easy conversion to standard gauge, including bridges, cuttings and a tunnel capable of accommodating the larger new South wales rolling stock.4

Queensland’s aims in building the Nerang to Tweed Heads line were a mixture of the new national approach of linking the nation’s capitals and the old colonial approach of grabbing a neighbouring colony’s trade. these were contradictory and this incoherence explains why the tweed Heads line failed to achieve either of its aims, although it certainly became a great way of getting to the beach on a hot Brisbane Sunday. the new South wales parliament twice referred a Murwillumbah to tweed Heads railway to its Standing Committee on Public works In both 1904 and 1915 the proposal was rejected, but the discourse was very different. In 1904 new South wales feared that the railway could divert traffic from the far north coast, to Brisbane whereas, in 1915, the railway was rejected not because it would create a through route to Brisbane, but for exactly the opposite reason: because it was not the best option for such a route.

the opening of the Casino to kyogle branch on 25 june 1910 raised another and clearly superior way of linking the new South wales north coast with Brisbane by rail. this could be achieved by the extension of the kyogle line up the valley of Grady’s Creek, across the McPherson range which formed the state border, into the upper logan river valley, where a small narrow gauge railway network already existed. Queensland Railways had opened a branch from its Southport line at Bethania junction to Beaudesert in 1888 and light tramways owned by the Beaudesert Shire Council were completed from Beaudesert to two termini at lamington in September 1910 and rathdowney in March 1911.5

the kyogle branch was proving to be a great success which prompted an exploratory survey north from kyogle to Richmond Gap on the Queensland border, with the aim of opening up more country. William Hutchinson, the Chief Engineer of railway and tramway Construction, undertook the survey himself and recommended a line following the richmond river and Grady’s Creek to richmond Gap, gaining height ‘by means of a spiral tunnel’.6

Hutchinson was so enthusiastic that he wanted this to be built to much higher standards than the Casino to kyogle line and designed ‘an express line’, with a maximum grade of 1 in 80 and a minimum radius on curves of 15 chains, to be laid with 80 pound per yard rails, fully ballasted, and with steel bridges on concrete piers. Its aim was not merely to develop the country, but to run heavy express passenger and goods trains through to Brisbane. His proposed spiral was an engineering extravagance of the kind the nSwGr had never had the money for in the nineteenth century, but which in the new century it embraced with enthusiasm.

nSwGr Deputy Chief Commissioner john Harper supported Hutchinson’s kyogle route to Brisbane as early as March 1914, pointing out that the distance would be reduced from 725 miles via wallangarra to 608 miles:

4 EvidenceofColonelCharlesEvans,givenatBrisbane,�5May�9�6.RoyalCommissiononPublicWorks–ProposedBeaudesert-KyogleRailway,Report,Queensland Parliamentary Papers,�9�6-�9�7,Vol3,p737.5 R.EllisandK.McDonald,The Beaudesert Shire Tramway,Melbourne,LightRailwayResearchSocietyofAustralia,�980isahistoryofthesetramways.6 JohnHarper,DeputyChiefCommissionerNSWGRtoA.Griffith,NSWMinisterforPublicWorks,3�March�9�4,quotedinevidenceofJonasMolesworthStawell,DeputyChiefEngineerofRailwayandTramwayConstruction,givenatSydney�3April�9�6.Queensland Parliamentary Papers,�9�6-�9�7,Vol3,p552.

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This saving in distance is an important feature having regard to the utility of the route for express train service and, being more inland would be favoured by the Defence Department for strategical reasons in preference to the coastal route via Murwillumbah and Tweed Heads.�

Even before the war broke out in august 1914, the nSwGr was taking kitchener’s criticisms of australia’s railways seriously, and was seeking to address them.

Meanwhile, the Queensland government was making its own analysis of the situation and in 7 February 1916 appointed a royal Commission to investigate a Beaudesert to kyogle railway. at its head was william Gillies, latterly of tintenbar near lismore, now member for atherton, and a strong believer in closer links between new South wales and Queensland.

Gillies and his fellow royal Commissioners went to Sydney, where their proposal met with great enthusiasm. an NSWGR official made it clear that he expected through passenger traffic to be lucrative:

We have to meet with very keen competition by the boats, and it is our desire naturally to secure as much of the passenger traffic as we can. The better and quicker service, therefore, that we can give, the better chances we shall have of competing with the steamers.�

Defence was also a serious consideration. there was no point in creating more places where the railway would be vulnerable to attack by sea, observing that, ‘of course the military don’t like the Hawkesbury Bridge at all.’ the army agreed. It had hosted a conference on strategic railways in Sydney on 6 May 1915, a little over a week after the first anzac Day, which had recommended construction of a line to Brisbane via kyogle as the highest priority.9

In Queensland, Railways Commissioner Charles Evans was sufficiently interested to travel by car from Brisbane to kyogle via Beaudesert on 22 March 1916, accompanied by his Chief Engineer, richard Sexton. Evans wanted to build a standard gauge line from a new station at South Brisbane to the border tunnel, totally separate from the existing narrow gauge railway. He still thought it possible that traffic might one day justify both the Kyogle and Tweed Heads links to new South wales, although he preferred the inland route. He estimated the line to richmond Gap tunnel would cost about £750,00010, while conversion of the line from South Brisbane to tweed Heads would cost much more at £1,115,000. this was because north of Ernest junction (and especially on the oldest section between yeerongpilly and Beenleigh) it had been built cheaply with sharp curves and light bridges.11

Gillies’ Royal Commission recommended that Queensland construct 71 miles of standard gauge railway from South Brisbane to the tunnel at richmond Gap conditionally on new South wales building the railway from kyogle to Richmond Gap. The report argued that ‘a first-class express line should be continued from capital to capital’, probably the first time such an aspiration had been articulated for an Australian railway; and advised that, at least at first, the nSwGr should operate the line with its rolling stock. Its overall conclusion was that ‘in building new lines, especially lines such as this, the aims should be to make them serve the dual purpose of meeting the developmental needs of the State and the strategic needs of the Commonwealth.’12

Thus, by 1916 both Queensland and New South Wales had agreed on the general merits of the route through Kyogle, its superiority over a link between Murwillumbah and tweed Heads, and the desirability of a shorter and faster railway between the two capitals than the original route through wallangarra. a railway through the sub-tropical wilds of the McPherson ranges began to be seen as a great national work.


In 1920 the epicentre of thought and action on completing a coastal route from Sydney to Brisbane shifted from the backwoods of the border country and the committee rooms of the New South Wales and Queensland parliaments

7 HarpertoGriffith3�March�9�4.Queensland Parliamentary Papers,�9�6-�9�7,Vol3,p552.8 EvidenceofCharlesAustinHodgsongivenatSydney�3April�9�6.Queensland Parliamentary Papers,�9�6-�9�7,Vol3,p546.9 EvidenceofCharlesEvans,Queensland Parliamentary Papers,�9�6-�9�7,Vol3,p739.�0 Noattempthasbeenmadeinthisdocumenttoconvertpoundstodollarsastherelativevaluesoftheworksmaketheconversionmeaningless�� EvidenceofCharlesEvans,Queensland Parliamentary Papers,�9�6-�9�7,Vol3pp739-740.ThosesharpcurvesbetweenYeerongpillyandBeenleighcontinuetoslowQueenslandRailways’otherwiseveryfastGoldCoasttrainstothisday.�2 RoyalCommissiononPublicWorks–ProposedBeaudesert-KyogleRailway,Report,Queensland Parliamentary Papers,�9�6-�9�7,Vol3,pp535-543..

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to the national capital in Melbourne. The Premiers’ Conference held in Melbourne in July 1920 was the first after the signing of the treaty of versailles, the formal restoration of peace, and the return of Prime Minister william Morris Hughes from Europe. At this conference, the nation set about defining its goals for the peace. Although there were war wounds to cauterise, optimism abounded.

In this context, the Commonwealth put railways and their role in defence at the top of the national agenda, referring the issue of standardising their gauge to a royal Commission of two international engineering experts chaired by an australian.13 the initiative came from Hughes, whose wartime experiences understandably had made him obsessed with defence issues. He believed the key to preventing the tragic experience of war in australia was military preparedness, for which a uniform railway gauge was essential.

the state governments, however, were unenthusiastic and some at least hoped the royal Commission would fail. formally appointed on 21 february 1921, the royal Commissioners gathered in Melbourne to be briefed by Hughes. they were an impressive group. frederick Methvan whyte (1865-1941) was General Mechanical Engineer of the new York Central Railroad and inventor of the Whyte system of steam locomotive classification.14 the British member, rustat Blake (1871-1940) was both a civil and locomotive engineer of wide experience, whose business partner had

been Brigadier General Sir alexander Gibb, founder of Britain’s largest engineering consultancy company and a former head of both military and government civil engineering for the united kingdom.15 So Blake and whyte were men at the very summit of the railway engineering profession. the australian chairman was Sydney businessman john joseph Garvan (1873-1927), an astute polo-playing bachelor who later chaired the Commonwealth Bank. Garvan had

�3 The Argus[Melbourne],25September�920.�4 The Argus,�3February�92�.�5 ‘Obituary,RustatBlake’,Journal of the Institution of Civil Engineers(London),�4.8(October�940)

Figure 2

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spent part of his childhood on his father’s family property ‘St Helena’ near Byron Bay and knew the new South wales north coast well.16

The Commonwealth posed Garvan, Whyte and Blake five questions:1. Which railway gauge should be adopted in Australia, and the reasons for selection of the one recommended?

2. What is necessary to be done in order to unify the gauges of the railway systems of Australia?

�. What will be the estimated costs of unifying the gauges of–

(i) Main trunk lines;

(ii) All lines;

Including and showing separately–

(a) Alterations to existing railways and structures;

(b) Any new lines necessary;

(c) Adjustments to rolling stock?

4. The order in which the work should be carried out and the methods by which it should be executed and controlled?

5. Whether a third rail or any mechanical device should be utilized; if so, what device upon what sections, and estimated cost?1�

The State Railway Commissioners in effect had answered the first question by agreeing on the desirability of standard gauge at their 1905 meeting, a decision confirmed by the Commonwealth when it adopted this gauge for the Trans-Australia Railway in 1912. Unsurprisingly, the Royal Commission confirmed this decision. Although there was about as much 5ft 3in gauge trackage in australia as standard gauge, it considered the latter superior for two main reasons. first the cost of conversion was less. Second, assuming a common loading gauge, more powerful locomotives could be built for standard gauge than broad gauge track, because their cylinders could be 3¼ inches greater in diameter (half the 6½ inch difference in track gauge). Cylinder diameter, along with boiler capacity, effectively determines a steam locomotive’s power.18 Its answer to question five was unequivocally negative.

The Royal Commissioners were not asked to report on funding, potential traffic, or return on investment of uniform gauge conversion projects. this proved to be their report’s great weakness, since these were the issues which had always concerned state governments (and before them colonial governments) when deciding what railways to build and not build. Their answer to question two was that sections of 5ft 3in gauge and 3ft 6in gauge line should be prioritised for conversion. they took as the prime aim the creation of a through standard gauge link between fremantle and Brisbane, although, since they were not asked, they made no estimates of traffic on the railway, the return on investment in gauge standardisation, or its wider economic benefits.

Indeed, the military significance of gauge standardisation always seemed to be foremost in the thoughts of the Royal Commissioners. while they were deliberating, the Inspector-General of Defence, Major General Sir Charles Chauvel, released his annual report, which began with this observation about the inadequacies of Australia’s railways:

The present railway system included several weak links so serious and so obvious in their nature that an enemy would be practically certain to avail himself of the strategic advantages accruing to him from the interruption of one or other of these vulnerable sectors. Sir Harry Chauvel considers that the linking up of our capital cities by railways beyond striking distance from the coast and the establishment of a uniform gauge throughout the Commonwealth, are matters of paramount importance.19

They prepared estimates of costs for five options, including two transcontinental routes, described as Routes A and B. All five options involved conversion of the Kalgoorlie to Fremantle 3ft 6in gauge railway to standard gauge; the construction of a new standard gauge railway from Port augusta to Port Pirie (to circumvent the circuitous and mountainous narrow gauge route through Terowie and the Pitchi Richie Pass); a standard gauge route from Port Pirie to Wodonga; and a new Kyogle to South Brisbane standard gauge railway.

�6 The Argus,�3May�92�;Australian Dictionary of Biography,Vol8,pp627-628.�7 ParliamentoftheCommonwealthofAustralia,ReportoftheRoyalCommissiononthematterofUniformRailwayGauge,PreparedbycommandandOrderedtobeprinted,Melbourne,�3thOctober�92�.StateRecordsofNewSouthWales(hereafterSRNSW),Series�5668,Item7,p3.�8 Ibid,p�5.Thesuperiorityofstandardgaugewasillustratedinadiagramshowingpossiblecylinderdiametersonbroadandstandardgaugelocomotives,assumingtheoverallwidthlimitof�0feetasspecifiedinthe�905loadinggauge.�9 The Argus,�2August�92�.

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Their first option, Route A, provided for conversion of the existing main lines between Adelaide, Melbourne and Wodonga. The second option, called ‘Route A modified’, included conversion of the branch lines from these main lines as well. the third option, route B, involved a new line across northern victoria and conversion of the Melbourne to Bendigo line to provide access to Melbourne. this would reduce the overall distance from fremantle to Brisbane but make access to Melbourne circuitous from both west and north. these three options would cost £17,550,000, £18,579,000 and £19,583,000 respectively. naturally, the alternatives in victoria were the most contentious part of the report. their fourth option included conversion of all 5ft 3in gauge railways in victoria and South australia and was estimated at £21,600,000. The fifth option was for conversion of all mainland railways and would cost £57,200,000.20

The fourth question was also contentious, as it determined priorities for expenditure and would involve creating a new authority to manage the project. the royal Commissioners advised that the work ‘should be controlled by one sole authority’ headed by a ‘Director, in whom large and final powers of decision should be invested.’21 Such a proposal naturally would attenuate state control over railways as provided for under the federal constitution, and the failure of much of the report to be implemented is attributable as much to this threatening recommendation as to its lack of any analysis of the economics of its proposals.

So far as priorities were concerned, the report was politic and optimistic, although unrealistic, in its suggestion that, ‘work can be started in all of the States at the same time.’22 the priorities for each state were outlined clearly, and those for New South Wales and Queensland were modest and promised the greatest result for the least investment, not that the report stated as much overtly. The specific recommendations were, for New South Wales:

The coast line by way of Newcastle, West Maitland, Macksville, Kyogle and Richmond Gap needs a large bridge at Grafton, which should be started first, but with its construction can progress the construction of new track and improvement of present track West Maitland to Richmond Gap and the tunnels through the McPherson Range. This is a line with easier gradients, and much to be preferred, from an operating stand-point, to the present line from West Maitland to Wallangarra.2�

And for Queensland:The new station in Brisbane and the new line from Brisbane to Richmond Gap, and the tunnels, should be started promptly, and all the work carried on together. The new rolling stock should be joint stock with New South Wales…24

the Commissioners also wanted ‘an emergency line further from the coast and independent of the Hawkesbury river Bridge’, and so advised that new South wales build the already approved Binnaway to werris Creek railway. this would complete an inland route from Sydney and Melbourne to wallangarra via werris Creek which would be less vulnerable to enemy military action than the coastal railway. north of the border, it advised conversion of the wallangarra to Brisbane railway to standard gauge, either on its existing route through toowoomba or on a new shorter alignment from Warwick through Maryvale to Brisbane. That choice was to be left to Queensland, where the merits of a direct railway from warwick to Ipswich, known as the Via Recta, were already a matter of constant, and ultimately fruitless, debate. their highest priority was clear: ‘the line by way of kyogle is recommended, and the emergency line to be provided later… the work on the tunnels [through the McPherson range] should be put in hand promptly.’25

the state premiers greeted the report with a resounding public indifference, probably masking private hostility. the Commonwealth had agreed to pay twenty percent of the costs of the work, while the states were to pay for the remainder on a per capita basis. the Commonwealth recommended the royal Commission’s fourth option – conversion of all broad gauge railways and extension of standard gauge to Brisbane and fremantle at a cost of £21,600,000 – to the november 1921 Premiers’ Conference. the costs and expenditure on a government by government basis were:26

Railway Costof Works Expenditure

western australia £5,030,000 £1,078,103 Commonwealth £67,000 £4,320,000

20 Ibid,pp4-6,alsoAppendixIII,pp26-39.2� Ibid,p�0.TheproposedDirector’smassivepowerswereoutlinedinmoredetailinAppendix4,pp39-4�.Theywouldhaveterrifiedeverystategovernment.22 Ibid,p8.23 Ibid,pp7-8.24 Ibid,p8.25 Ibid,p34.26 TablefromCanberra Times,�6September�927.

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South australia £4,674,000 £1,632,292

victoria £8,324,000 £4,939,349

new South wales £1,657,000 £7,094,388 Queensland £1,848,000 £2,535,868 Grosstotals £21,600,000 £21,600,000

the premiers piously expressed support but hypocritically voted to do nothing. for victoria and South australia, it would mean spending money to make handling their internal traffic more difficult. For New South Wales it would mean spending more money than any other state, all of which, apart from cost of the Grafton-richmond Gap line, would be spent in other states. the premiers reneged on what they had agreed to do in july 1920 when they discovered the cost. It was a distressing revelation of the weaknesses of the australian federal system, probably the worst in the Commonwealth’s history before or since. Hughes was so disgusted he refused to make any comment.27

for decades, even to the present, newspapers and public opinion around the country have excoriated the premiers of 1922 for their selfishness, narrow-mindedness and short-sightedness. A Canberra Times 1927 editorial, prompted by reports of good progress on the one project undertaken, is typical:

All authorities are agreed that sooner or later unification of the Australian railways must be undertaken. They are all agreed that immense advantages are to be derived from having a single gauge throughout Australia. At the same time it is apparent that every year the cost of the work must increase materially. Every mile of new line built in any State but New South Wales adds to the cost. Had the work been undertaken when the plans were made in 1921 it would be approaching completion to-day. Now it has still to be faced, with the extra cost for shirking the issue.2�

Despite such criticisms, it is difficult not to have some sympathy for the premiers’ position. For Victoria and New South wales in particular, the disadvantages of gauge standardisation in many respects outweighed the advantages. Victoria may have gained a little additional traffic from the Riverina if its system was converted, but the costs and inconvenience of conversion would have been enormous. There was so little interstate goods traffic in 1921 that it hardly seemed worth the trouble.

3.TheGrafton-SouthBrisbaneRailwayasFirstFruitsof Standardisation

Despite the overwhelming negative response from the states to the Royal Commission’s report, there was one specific proposal about which the two states concerned showed a glimmer of support: a standard gauge railway from kyogle to South Brisbane.29 the Hughes nationalist government collapsed in late 1922, and with it the sense of urgency about defence. However, the Minister for works and railways in the new Bruce-Page government was Percy Stewart, the Country Party member for wimmera. Stewart was leftist by Country Party standards and, unlike most Country Party members, close to Hughes. He was also national in outlook and as a teenager had worked as a ‘water-joey’ during construction of the Mildura line, so he had no fear of building railways through the wilderness.30

Moreover, Stewart’s party leader, Earle Grafton Christmas Page, was from Grafton and for him the Clarence river Bridge and the Grafton-South Brisbane railway were not just desirable national works – they were personal passions.31 Stewart realised nothing could be achieved in victoria and little in South australia, and that Hughes’ proposal to convert their railways to standard gauge was dead. He came up with a more modest scheme and convened a meeting of railway ministers in September 1923 to discuss two proposals, estimated to cost £3,500,000 and £4,500,000 respectively. first was the kyogle-South Brisbane railway and associated upgrading of the railway between Grafton and kyogle. the second was a railway from Port augusta to Hay. 32

victoria and South australia still refused to contribute a penny and the conference dissolved in disharmony and acrimony. the Port augusta to Hay railway was dead but hope remained for the link to Brisbane. Stewart was resolute

27 The Argus,4November�92�.28 Canberra Times,�6September�927.29 The Argus,3November�92�.30 Australian Dictionary of Biography,Vol�2,pp92-93.‘Water-joey’istheVictorianterm.Aboywiththesamejob,bringingdrinkingwatertothemenandboilingtheirbilly,wascalleda‘nipper’ontheNSWGR.3� JohnO’Hara,‘TheEntryintoPublicLifeofSirEarleChristmasGraftonPage�9�5-2�’(B.A.Honsthesis,UniversityofNewEngland,�969).32 The Argus,20September�923.

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and could see that New South Wales and Queensland were willing to be involved in a project promising mutual benefit. He invited them to a conference a few weeks later, offering that the Commonwealth would pay the share of the cost of the new railway owed by western australia, victoria and South australia, which those states refused to pay.

Stewart daringly hosted this conference in Canberra, not yet the capital. the relatively short connection between Kyogle and South Brisbane would offer clear national benefits, had passionate regional support on both sides of the border, and was viewed favourably by the relevant state governments in Sydney and Brisbane. the military liked it too. Given that rare combination of political support, agreement to construct the railway came quickly.

on 14 april 1924 Prime Minister S.M. Bruce and new South wales Premier Sir George fuller met in Sydney to discuss terms. fuller wanted the Grafton bridge to be part of the joint funding arrangements for the railway to Brisbane, but Queensland and the Commonwealth refused.33 A week earlier, Queensland acting premier William Gillies had stated in Brisbane that, although the Grafton bridge was ‘the stumbling block to the linking of South Brisbane with the northern rivers of new South wales by standard gauge railway, he understood that the refusal of the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments to see eye to eye with New South Wales would not be fatal to the project.’34 Gillies had chaired the royal Commission on the railway back in 1916 and was a total enthusiast for the project. Moreover, he had only moved from tintenbar to atherton as recently as 1910 and his brother was member for Byron Bay in the new South wales legislative assembly. 35 He was therefore well informed about opinion in new South wales. fuller was not yet saying so, but new South wales was willing to pay for the Clarence river Bridge itself.

In august 1924 the deal to build the railway was done, and it did not include the Clarence river Bridge, which would remain a new South wales responsibility. Stewart retained hopes for his link from Port augusta to Hay, continuing to negotiate fruitlessly with South Australia, and one report prematurely headlined the story ‘Railway Uniformity: Pacific to Indian ocean’. More accurately, it observed that, ‘the realisation of the uniform gauge connecting Brisbane to albury now appears to be not far distant. the distance between Sydney and Brisbane will be reduced by 100 miles, and the new line will develop some of the best lands in the Commonwealth.’36

the Grafton-Brisbane railway Bill was debated in the House of representatives on 24 September. Support came from New South Wales and Queensland members regardless of party, but there was some scepticism from the southern states. frank forde, the labour member from rockhampton said ‘he would not lecture members because he believed that some were more intelligent than himself (laughter)’, then proceeded to do so at some length on the railway’s merits.

attorney General john latham objected, to which forde replied that latham ‘took his instructions from the press and so, as a victorian, therefore would oppose the Bill’. at this point the speaker, former victorian Premier, william watts, intervened to remind forde of parliamentary niceties: “I hope that the honorable member does not use the word “victorian” as a term of reproach.’37 More laughter followed and, among general good humour peppered with state rivalries, the Bill went through. In the senate, there was opposition from South australian and western australian senators, but the Bill passed in to law on 9 october 1924 by 16 to six votes.38 as for latham, in fact he supported the railway and actually ended up turning the first sod when construction began at Kyogle nearly two years later, where he argued strongly in favour of standardising all Australia’s railways and said specifically of this project:

As a Victorian member in the Commonwealth parliament I am honoured in acting as an Australian Minister in performing an Australian ceremony. This work is a genuinely national enterprise – it is one of the fruits of federation. May it help to promote the prosperity not only of this beautiful and fertile district but also of the whole of Australia.�9

The ratifying legislation passed through the Commonwealth, Queensland and New South Wales parliaments in the same month. The Queensland Act (No 10, 1924) was assented to on 6 October 1924, the Commonwealth Act (No 54, 1924) on 20 october and new South wales act (no 20, 1924) on 28 october 1924. their substantive provisions were identical, although their preambles differed. The Queensland and Commonwealth Acts’ preambles reminded readers that the premiers and Commonwealth had agreed in Melbourne in july 1920 to standardise australia’s railways

33 The Argus,�5April�924.34 Canberra Times,7April�924.35 Australian Dictionary of Biography,Vol9,p��.36 The Argus,6August�924.37 The Argus,26September�924.38 The Argus,�0October�924.39 Latham’sspeechatKyogleisquotedinWilson,Kyogle-Brisbane Golden Jubilee,p�4.

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on an agreed financial basis. This contradicted the Act’s purpose, which stated clearly that only two states had abided by the agreement.

The inclusion of this contradiction in the Act’s preamble would appear to be deliberate and, by the rarefied standards of parliamentary draughtsmanship, a bitchy snipe at the states which had refused to come on board. Queenslanders can be direct, and the new South wales act was more diplomatic about the self-centred slackers in the south and west of the continent. The Queensland Act also differed in having a clear statement of the wider aims of the project: ‘in order to facilitate interstate trade and commerce and to assist in the development and defence of australia it is desirable to secure a uniform gauge of railway line throughout australia’.40

the acts provided for the creation of a uniform railway Gauge Council, generally known as the railway Council, comprising the three Commissioners of the Commonwealth, New South Wales and Queensland Railways. This Council was to have ‘the entire control of … all the works and … expenditure thereon’, including employment of staff, standards of construction and types of rolling stock. the obligation of the railway Council to report its activities and expenditure regularly to the three governments has meant that more detail survives in the archives about the construction of this railway than about almost any other in the country. (Clause 10). the railway Council assumed the role the royal Commissioners had suggested for the Director of railway standardisation. as a council of existing commissioners rather than an independent director appointed by the Commonwealth, it was far less threatening to state rights over their railways than the 1921 proposal for a director.

the funding of the railway was complex and varied from what the premiers had agreed in 1920. the Commonwealth was to provide all funds, both its one fifth of costs as agreed in 1920 and the four-fifths due by the states. New South Wales and Queensland were to reimburse the Commonwealth for their share of the states’ four-fifth allocated annually on the basis of state population. what this arrangement meant was that the Commonwealth assumed the payments due by victoria, South australia and western australia, which these states had been obliged to pay under the 1920 agreement but now refused to pay (Clause 9).41

Revenue from the railway’s operations was to be collected proportionally by the New South Wales and Queensland railways, which were also proportionally responsible for working expenses. the acts were silent as to exactly how the two state railways were to share revenue and expenses, or even whether the Queensland section was to have its own rolling stock or not. These matters were left to the NSWGR and Queensland Railways to sort out among themselves. It became increasingly clear that it would be most efficient if the NSWGR actually operated the trains with its own rolling stock, but Queensland wanted the new railway to offer employment opportunities for its staff.

The formal decision was not made until very late: under the terms of the Queensland Border to South Brisbane Railway Management Act (1930), which went through the Queensland parliament the day before the railway opened, the NSWGR would operate the trains and maintain the track throughout, including on the section owned by Queensland. Ownership of the railway would be by the two states on their own territory. Operating profits were to be allocated first to the Commonwealth to pay interest on its payments made on behalf of the states which had refused to pay their share; second to New South Wales and Queensland to cover interest on their share of capital cost; third to the Commonwealth to cover interest on its one fifth of the capital invested. Any remaining profit after interest was paid was to be divided between the NSWGR and Queensland Railways as they saw fit, presumably on the same basis as they divided operating costs and revenue (Clause 13).42

within two weeks of the acts being passed, the three commissioners forming the railway Council had met. Commonwealth railways Commissioner norris Bell chaired the Council, whose other members were james fraser, New South Chief Commissioner of Railways and Tramways, and James Davidson, Queensland Commissioner for railways. the Council met for two days every two or three months (rarely more often) alternately in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. Its work was important and it corresponded directly with premiers and the Prime Minister. railway commissioners in the 1920s spent a lot of nights in sleeping cars and did a lot of changing trains from one gauge and to another at dawn in albury and wallangarra.

the Chief accountants of the three railways met in Melbourne from 2 to 4 December 1924 to work out the details of funding, expenditure, stores, employment and generally getting the project moving and their engineers two months

40 CopiesofthethreeActs,withannotationsonthecopyoftheNewSouthWalesActtoguidetheRailwayCouncil,areinSRNSWSeries�5668,Item4.QueenslandparliamentarydraughtsmenwerealsofarlessfondofcommasthantheircounterpartsinSydneyandMelbourne.4� NSW�5GeoVActNo20,28October�924,SRNSWSeries�5668,Item4.42 NSW�5GeoVActNo20,28October�924,SRNSWSeries�5668,Item4.

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later.43 The striking thing about the minutes of these meetings is the ‘can-do’ attitude of the senior railway officers. They wanted no delay, and were totally confident that bringing the different practices of the three railways into line, using the best features of each, was desirable, possible and, so far as this project was concerned, would be done immediately. They listened to each other, compromised, and were quite willing to admit it when they considered their colleagues on other railways had superior methods.44


Once the decision to build the railway had been taken, work began quickly. By March 1925 the first engineers were on the ground, men were being employed and the work was beginning. The first task undertaken was the rebuilding of the section from Grafton to Kyogle, since this would be done by the NSWGR and would not require tenders to be called.

It all happened so quickly that A.E. Morris, in charge of works at Casino, had to write his first report on all the activity on his patch by hand, observing that, ‘the typewriter has not yet arrived’ but concluding with the request, ‘would you kindly endeavour to urge things along as I would like to finalise the first cost as quickly as possible.’45 wickham had chosen his subordinates well. there was to be no shirking and no delay with this project. the nSwGr’s was able to relay the track and ballast its Grafton to Kyogle line very quickly. The work included the replacement of all timber bridges with steel plate girders on concrete piers of the same design as those on the new railway north of Casino. the 1905 steel truss bridge over the richmond river just south of Casino was replaced with a new heavier truss. Signalling was replaced on the entire line and new crossing loops opened in anticipation of the additional traffic. The new signal boxes at these loops were to a standard design built of fibro asbestos and the new signalling was miniature electric staff, then the most advanced and secure signalling system used on single track sections on the nSwGr.

43 MinutesoftheMeetingofChiefAccountantsheldattheOfficeoftheComptrollerofAccountsandAudit,CommonwealthRailways,Melbourne,on2nd,3rdand4thDecember�924.SRNSW,Series�5668,Item4.44 MinutesofthemeetingoftheChiefAccountantsandChiefEngineersheldattheofficeoftheChiefAccountant,NSWR,Sydneyonthe26thFebruary�925.SRNSW,Series�5668,Item4.45 Ibid.

Figure 3: Queensland entrance to Border tunnel

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One important element of the proposed rebuilding was sacrificed to contain costs: the planned improvement of the alignment and grades. thus there remained two sections of 1 in 50 grades facing northbound trains leaving Grafton, near Lawrence Road and Rappville. The result was that, until dieselisation, heavy passenger trains often required assistance from a second locomotive from South Grafton to lawrence road, generally an ancient Z12 class 4-4-0. This was precisely the sort of operational and financial problem the NSWGR wanted to avoid on its new railway, but short deviations improving the alignment and grade at these two locations would not be opened until 1995. It was a long while to wait for work planned in 1924.

The engineers in both states quickly prepared estimates for the Railway Council’s second meeting in November 1924. the original standards of 16 chain radius curves and 1 in 80 grades were tightened to 12 chain curves and 1 in 66 grades to reduce costs. new South wales estimated of the cost of construction of its 27 miles and 14 chains from kyogle to richmond Gap at £1,128,641 or £41,533 per mile. this section included the 3,806 foot border tunnel. although planned as a double track tunnel, both to provide ventilation because of its length and in case of future duplication, some £115,182 could be saved by building a single track tunnel, reducing the cost to £1,013,459.The Queensland estimate for its much easier section from South Brisbane to the northern portal of the tunnel was £1,587,504, to which the Council added £60,000 to ease curves and grades.46 the maps accompanying the acts show that the railway had been surveyed and its main features designed. the spiral at Cougal where the railway climbs the ever steepening and narrowing valley of Grady’s Creek, was already clearly marked on the maps. once the decision to build the railway had been taken, work began quickly. In the first week of 1925 Queensland Minister for Railways James Larcombe visited Sydney to stitch up the details of the deal.47 tenders for construction of the railway were called in june 1925 and closed on 1 September 1925. the railway Council was disappointed with the tenders and decided instead to contract construction to the state governments for the sections in their own states, with the McPherson range tunnel to be part of the new South wales contract.

In july 1926 an amendment Bill passed through federal Parliament to increase expenditure from £3,500,000 to £4,000,000.48 By then expenditure had already reached £760,300, of which £437,750 had been spent in new South Wales and £322,550 in Queensland. No fewer than 1,280 men were employed on the project already, 770 in New South Wales and 510 in Queensland. The Grafton to Kyogle railway already had been ballasted throughout and 80 pound rails had replaced the 60 pound rails over half its length.49

the country through which the railway was built was rugged and beautiful. from each side of the McPherson range flowed the headwaters of the Richmond and Logan Rivers. The country was heavily timbered and there was little level ground. Rainfall was exceptionally high and floods were frequent. The temporary roads cut into the bush to provide access to construction sites often degenerated into quagmires after rain, as the rich volcanic soil was very heavy. It was estimated that a year’s work was lost on the section along Running Creek leading to the Queensland portal of the McPherson range tunnel.

Construction was an arduous business, especially on the uppermost section of the Queensland side where the railway followed running Creek and on the new South Sales side north of wiangaree. the isolation of the most demanding works meant that there was little use of modern machinery, even though estimates were ‘based on machinery being used where possible’.50 although some steam shovels were used on the bigger cuttings, the very poor roads made getting them to worksites difficult. So, for the most part, horses hauled ploughs or scoops to excavate the cuttings and carried away the fill in tipping drays. Steam engines drove compressors to provide air for pneumatic drills and generators to light the tunnels, so there were some modern touches but, in most respects, this was the last big railway project in australia undertaken by men living in camps under canvas and with energy supplied by human and animal muscles.

46 MinutesoftheSecondMeetingoftheRailwayCouncilheldinSydney,26November�924.SRNSW,Series�5668,Item4.47 The Argus,7January�925.48 The Argus,8July�926.49 The Argus,�0August�926.50 MinutesoftheSecondMeetingoftheRailwayCouncilheldinSydney,26November�924.SRNSW,Series�5668,Item4.

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Horse teams brought in most of the supplies on the new South wales side from the railhead at kyogle and later Wiangaree. On the Queensland side rail access was easier and equipment was brought to sidings on the shire tramway at Dulbolla (near rathdowney), where there was a depot for construction materials, and Innisplain (where both the tramway and new railway crossed the logan river). Beyond Innisplain there were up to fourteen bullock teams working and only one horse team. The Queensland resident engineer, Bashford, in charge of the section from Innisplain to the border tunnel, used bullock teams to bring the steel spans into position on the Queensland section, as truck access was impossible. Bashford just had one steam shovel available although his men did have pneumatic drills powered by a steam compressor. Because transport into the area was so poor, these were fuelled by locally cut firewood rather than coal. Thus, apart from the drills and steam shovel, the Queensland section was constructed entirely by muscle power.51

Conditions for workers were as tough as the environment. they lived under canvas in camps set up for them. However, the pay of construction workers was quite good, with most men paid over £11 per fortnight. Even a 16 year-old boy could earn £9 5s a fortnight as a ‘nipper’, carrying drinking water and boiling the billy for the men.52 this was at a time when a ‘five pound a week man’ had some status and was considered well paid. For workers who indulged their vices in moderation (or had none), it was easy to save money working on the railway, even if there was a family to support elsewhere.

This transient society of mostly single young men needed policing, and Cougal briefly had a police station. It was a hazardous posting: one policeman, Laurie Alpin, drowned in a flood in February 1928 while trying to prevent a footbridge from being washed away. another constable reported having a loaded revolver pointed at him to deter him from being too assiduous in his duties.

5� ThesedetailsofconstructionarefromWilson,Kyogle-Brisbane Golden Jubilee,pp�5-�7,34-35.Wilsonwasaboyduringconstructionandknewmanymenwhoworkedontherailway.52 Wilson,Kyogle-Brisbane Golden Jubilee,pp2�,44-45.

Figure 4: The Cougal Spiral

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although most men in the camps were simply trying to make a good living in hard times, and indeed succeeded in doing so, the camps certainly attracted a criminal element which could readily exploit the sorts of tensions which inevitably develop in a society comprising almost entirely young men with few recreational opportunities.53 the nicknames of the two most notorious camps, Metho flat and Gun alley, both housing workers on the Cougal spiral, spoke volumes about their reputation. Ethnic tension and the scars of war led to disputes among workers, which ultimately involved the federal Executive of the returned Sailors and Soldiers Imperial league (rSSIl) and the railway Council. the issue was the alleged preference of some gangers for employing foreigners, which lead to fisticuffs in Kyogle in July 1928.54

this ‘fracas’ provoked a formal complaint in writing about the situation on the new South wales side and a similar complaint about employment north of the border by a deputation of the Queensland state RSSIL to the Railway Council at its meeting in Brisbane on 12 july.55 the railway Council informed the rSSIl that preference for returned soldiers in employment was indeed its policy, that in fact preference was generally given, and secured the dismissal of the labour agent who allegedly ‘did not appear to comply strictly with the instructions’ about such preference.56 on the Queensland side, labour recruitment was less contentious, as from the beginning the Queensland Railways engineer would inform the RSSIL and the Australian Workers Union offices in Brisbane of the numbers of men required on certain dates, and then personally attend the offices of each organisation to select suitable men.57

the last piece of heavy construction completed was the richmond Gap tunnel. this was part of the new South wales contract, but the cement to line it was supplied from the Queensland Cement Company in Darra and railed to the site direct by Queensland Railways, who billed New South Wales for the carriage. The final job was the conversion of the Queensland section to standard gauge. This was easier, faster and cheaper than might be imagined, as the sleepers and everything else were to standard gauge specifications. Queensland carried out the job, with narrow gauge work trains retreating from the portal of the richmond Gap tunnel towards South Brisbane, leaving standard gauge track behind them. The ease of conversion and the ability of Queensland Railways to ship construction materials such as bridge girders and cement from all over their network to the worksites during construction had justified the decision to build the railway temporarily to the narrow gauge.

Everything at last was ready for the opening of the direct standard gauge railway from Sydney to Brisbane. Everything, that is, except the Clarence river Bridge.


the Clarence river Bridge at Grafton was a separate project from the uniform Gauge railway and was not part of the partly Commonwealth-funded interstate railway. new South wales premier George fuller had attempted but failed to make the bridge part of the project at negotiations with Prime Minister Bruce in Sydney in april 1925. nonetheless, it formed a crucial part of the new through interstate railway and was built at the same time and the railway Council took a lively interest in its progress. In fact, the bridge was not completed until nearly two years after the railway.

following the completion of the north Coast railway to South Grafton in 1924, coincidentally the same year that the acts providing for the link to Brisbane were passed, the only gap on the coastal route was across the Clarence river between South Grafton and Grafton. the nSwGr had worked out its own strategy to bridge the gap without a bridge, temporarily at least. the temporary solution was a train ferry, and thus began the eight year history of the NSWGR’s unique, even romantic maritime operations on the Clarence River. The train ferries were adequate for rail traffic through to Lismore and Casino, but not for the new interstate link. However, the bridge was not part of the Grafton-South Brisbane uniform Gauge railway project. new South wales naturally enough had wanted it to be, in order to attract Commonwealth and Queensland funding, but two decades earlier it already had decided, with the support of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public works, in principle to build the bridge as part of its north Coast line from Maitland to Murwillumbah.

53 Ibid,pp28-3�.54 Dieden,GeneralSecretaryRSSILtoSimms,SecretaryRailwayCouncil,Melbourne,23July�928.SRNSW,Series�5668,Item4.55 MinutesofRailwayCouncilMeeting,Brisbane,��-�2July�928.SRNSW,Series�5668,Item4.56 Morris,SecretaryNSWGR,toSimms,SecretaryRailwayCouncil,�7October�928.MinutesofRailwayCouncilMeetingsinSRNSW,Series�5668,Item4.57 Chairman’svisittoBrisbane.29May�925.Confidential.SRNSW,Series�5668,Item4.

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new South wales was trapped by its previous commitment to build the bridge into spending the half million or so pounds needed itself, recognised its situation, and so agreed to exclusion of the bridge from the project. at its very first meeting, the Railway Council’s Chairman Norris Bell wrote to Prime Minister Stanley Melbourne Bruce, asking him to write to new South wales Premier George fuller ‘urging the early completion of the Clarence river Bridge’, so that it would be finished at the same time as the railway through to South Brisbane.58

fuller replied that he had asked the nSwGr to put the bridge on its estimates for work to begin in 1926, and informed the Council that the bridge and the railway connecting Grafton and South Grafton stations would cost £560,459, with the bridge alone costing £350,375. The railway through Grafton was quite expensive, as it would be elevated on a long embankment, with bridges over Grafton’s streets, and would also involve considerable urban resumptions. Because it was through the heart of Grafton, its bridges over the city’s streets had to have aesthetic merit as well, and indeed did so. the bridge itself was to be a steel truss structure of four 250 foot spans, with a bascule opening span of 60 feet. an upper deck would carry a reinforced concrete roadway 22 feet 6 inches wide at a cost of £81,475, to be provided by the Public works Department, in recognition of that fact that this expenditure would obviate the need to construct a separate road bridge to replace the existing busy vehicular ferry.59 that was all very well, but the railway Council wanted a faster start and fraser agreed to meet fuller ‘urging this work to be commenced without delay and without waiting for the usual Parliamentary Estimates to be passed towards the close of 1925.’60

In undertaking the construction of the Clarence river Bridge, new South wales added yet another project to its enormous investment in railways during the 1920s. In 1925 the state was in the process of electrifying Sydney’s suburban railways (including resignalling and widening of clearances to accommodate wider new suburban carriages); building the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the city underground railway; and constructing new interstate links to Broken Hill and Brisbane. In addition hundreds of passenger carriages, close to a thousand new suburban carriages, thousands of goods wagons, 75 heavy express passenger locomotives (C36 class) and 25 of the heaviest and most technically advanced goods locomotives yet built in australia (D57 class) were on order. It was a massive expression of confidence in the NSWGR’s ability to grow its traffic, handle it efficiently, and so generate the profits needed to repay the interest on the more than £30 million which were borrowed to pay for all this.

58 MinutesoftheSecondMeetingoftheRailwayCouncilheldinSydney,26November�924.SRNSW,Series�5668,Item4.59 FullertoBell,28April�925,quotedinMinutesoftheFifthMeetingoftheRailwayCouncilheldinSydney,�0-�2September�924.SRNSW,Series�5668,Item4.60 Minute64.MinutesoftheFifthMeetingoftheRailwayCouncilheldinSydney,�0-�2September�924.SRNSW,Series�5668,Item4.

Figure 5: Trial assembly of the bascule span at Clyde Engineering in 1928.

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the Clarence river Bridge was and remains the third greatest railway bridge in new South wales, after its exact contemporary, the Sydney Harbour Bridge (1932), and the Hawkesbury river Bridge (1889, replaced 1946). It is a series of Pratt trusses as modified and standardised for use on the NSWGR by Public Works Department engineer james waller roberts. when the decision to construct the north Coast line from Maitland to South Grafton was taken in 1906, the intention was that ‘the track will be of first class character, capable of carrying the heaviest traffic and at the maximum speed.’ this included such details as track geometry and bridges.

whatever the continuing limitations on speed which the railway’s track geometry imposed, roberts’ truss bridges have proved to be an enduring and important design. no fewer than 22 of these bridges were opened on the north Coast line between 1911 and 1924. The engineers who implemented Roberts’ bridge designs were significant figures. william Hutchinson, the Engineer in Chief for railway and tramway Construction and future designer of the kyogle-richmond Gap railway including the Cougal spiral, had overall control of the entire north Coast railway project. His successor, F.E. Wickham, later a critical figure in building the Uniform Gauge Railway, was resident engineer for the first stage of construction between Maitland and Taree. J.J.C. Bradfield supervised the drawings for the bridges and the railway as a whole, his last project before he devoted his life to the Sydney city railway and Harbour Bridge.61

the truss spans of the Clarence river Bridge were generally based on roberts’ earlier designs for north Coast bridges, although it also included a double-deck opening bascule span. So far as can be ascertained, this is the only bascule span on a heavy railway bridge with a road on the upper deck in the world. while the principle of the span is based on the 1901 uS patent of theodore rall, it was designed and built by the nSwGr’s own engineers. the rall patent involves moving rollers and is therefore suitable for a double deck bridge. Its most significant previous use was in the Broadway Bridge across the willamette river in Portland, oregon, opened in 1913.

the Broadway Bridge was a truss bridge and so essentially it was on two levels – the top and bottom of the truss. therefore it needed the moving rollers to enable the truss span to open. the Clarence river Bridge took the design one stage further and to a new level of complexity by including a road laid across the top of the trusses. apparently the only other double deck opening rail and road bridges in the world are in Chicago. these are basically road bridges, whereas the Clarence river Bridge is basically a railway bridge. the railway in the case of the Chicago bridges is a lightly engineered elevated suburban line and is above, not below, the road deck. In fact, the Chicago elevated is only slightly heavier in construction than a tram line. therefore, the engineering challenges presented by the Chicago bridges were far more modest than those presented by the bridge at Grafton.

6� Ibid,pp96-�00.

Figure 6: Grafton road/rail bridge opening. Sir Isaac Isaacs, Governor-General, inspecting Northern Rivers Lancers 15th Light Horse prior to the parade for the opening of the bridge (photo from NSW RailCorp archive.

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only two tenders were received for the Clarence river Bridge: one from Dorman long and Company, then building the Sydney Harbour Bridge, for £484,190; the other from John Grant and Sons for £499,250. Tenders closed on 15 June 1926, a week before Federal Attorney General John Latham turned the first sod of the new railway at Kyogle.62 the new South wales government rejected both tenders as too high and decided to undertake the job itself.63 The first rivet in the caissons of the bridge was driven on 11 june 1928. It was to cost £529,000, of which £83,650 was for the roadway. Clyde Engineering secured the contracts both for the caissons and the superstructure, to cost £22,000 and £144,500 respectively. Clyde had agreed to deliver all the steelwork by july 1930 and its opening was then expected some time in 1931.64

The Clarence River Bridge was officially opened by Governor General Sir Isaac Isaacs on Tuesday 19 July 1932. The choice of Isaacs was politic. He was the first Australian governor general, so not a British aristocrat, which reassured those of left-wing leanings; but he was the King’s representative rather than a politician, which appealed to the more conservative. So there was none of the drama which had accompanied Premier j.t. lang’s opening of the Sydney Harbour Bridge two months before. ‘Deafening cheers’ followed Isaacs’ cutting of the ribbon, aeroplanes flew overhead, Grafton was bedecked with flowers, and crowds surged to walk over the bridge’s roadway.65 Isaacs, with his national perspective, spoke expansively of the achievement, emphasising the bridge’s national and even global significance rather than the local importance which was the traditional stock-in-trade of speeches at railway openings. at the same time, he warned that the job was far from done:

This bridge is of national, and even Imperial, significance, because it constitutes an essential link in the great chain of defence of this Dominion and of Australian and interstate trade and commerce and intercourse. That chain has now been established from Brisbane to Albury, and also along the Commonwealth transcontinental line of railway. Much remains to be done, however, before the chain is complete.66

Isaacs’ emphasis on defence was prescient for, exactly a decade after his speech, the bridge was indeed crucial for transport to the front line of the Pacific War, as coastal shipping suffered enormous losses from Japanese torpedoes.


the opening had been scheduled for 1 august 1930, but this was a railway through rainforest, and rainforests mean rain. floods delayed the opening for six weeks until Saturday 27 September 1930.67 the weather was perfect, with not a cloud in the firmament, the exact opposite of the mud and drizzle at the turning of the first sod four years earlier. The ‘shouting and the tumult’ with which the ‘wildly excited’ crowd at Kyogle greeted the first train was just the beginning. People packed the little station, which was decorated with flags and bunting, and as many as could fit climbed onto its roof for a better view.68

Passengers on the train included an official party led by Frank

62 The Argus,22June�926.63 ThestoryoftherefusedtendersisinthereportingofdebateintheFederalParliamentinThe Argus,8July�92664 Canberra Times,�8February�929.65 Canberra Times,20July�932.66 The Argus,20July�932.67 Canberra Times,��July�930.68 ThecrowdsontheroofcanbeseeninStateLibraryofQueenslandImageNo3506.AtKyogleStationwhenthefirsttraintoBrisbanewasabouttoleave.

Figure 7: Kyogle opening 27 September 1930.

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forde, a long-time advocate of the railway and long-serving federal labor Member for Capricornia (1922 to 1946) and then acting Minister for Customs. with him were the Country Party leader, Grafton doctor Earle Page, and r.t. Ball, Commonwealth Railways Commissioner. Both Forde and Page were briefly future prime ministers. The New South wales contingent included the Chief Commissioner for railways, w.j. Cleary, and the now retired Engineer-in-Chief for railway Construction f.E. wickham, who had done so much towards building the railway and often sat on the railway Council.69

frank forde rode the locomotive into South Brisbane station, where the train was greeted by a band and the wife of Queensland premier Arthur Moore cut a ribbon. Brisbane Lord Mayor William Jolly hosted a reception in the new City Hall that night, and ten days later (on Monday 5 october) played host again for a day-long visit by about a thousand children from northern new South wales. they took a special train into Brisbane for the day, where they were entertained with a tram ride around the city and lunch in Musgrave Park.70 the children’s special showed how real and convenient the link now was between Brisbane and the new South wales north coast. regular services began on 28 September.

the new railway did not disrupt traditional patterns of goods movement. Byron Bay’s butter continued to go by ship to Sydney for transhipment and export, rather than be railed to Brisbane for export. Brisbane did not replace Sydney as the centre of trade for new South wales north coast towns. the old fears that a railway from the new South wales north coast to Brisbane would weaken Sydney’s mercantile position and possibly ruin the nCSnCo were not realised. In fact, there was no access at all from the new railway to wharves in Brisbane, and would not be for many decades until the opening of the Dutton Park to Fisherman’s Islands standard gauge line in May 1997. Therefore, goods traffic from the Casino and kyogle districts never was diverted to Brisbane, but continued to be shipped from lismore, Grafton or Byron Bay. Coastal shipping from these ports declined rapidly after 1941 and ended completely in 1954, but the traffic thereafter overwhelmingly went by rail to Sydney, not Brisbane.

In the 1930s most freight between Sydney and Brisbane continued to go by sea. In 1925 some 166,000 tons of freight were transhipped at wallangarra, which sounds a lot until it is calculated at 227 tons per day each way – a modest load for one train on the NSWGR, and just enough to justify two trains on Queensland Railways’ steep grade to Toowoomba. 40,000 tons of this was fruit from Queensland, for which a daily fruit express ran from Brisbane to Wallangarra.71 the higher productivity and easier grades of the new railway meant that this traffic could be accommodated in a thrice-weekly fruit express from Clapham yard in Brisbane to Grafton, where its vans were transferred on the Swallow for forwarding to Sydney. Other goods services did not commence until late in 1931, and were confined to one conditional train per day, which meant that it did not run unless sufficient traffic were on offer.72

Thus, most of the traffic on the new railway was passengers and mail. In 1925 110,000 interstate passengers had changed trains at wallangarra, an average of 150 each way per day.73 the nSwGr provided two very stylish trains of its latest carriages for the run between Grafton and South Brisbane. the new Brisbane Limited Express left Sydney every day of the week at 7.30pm and, after breakfast at Coffs Harbour, arrived at South Grafton the next morning at 9.43. the nSwGr chartered the river steamer The Clarence from Charles Pullen of Cowper to carry the Limited’s passengers across the river, while the train’s vans crossed on the Swallow.74 the new train, all gleaming black paint and varnished cedar, waited at the special platform built adjacent to Grafton railway wharf, leaving at 10.57am. lunch was served on board during the exceptionally scenic trip to Brisbane, where arrival was scheduled for 5.15pm.

69 AcontemporaryaccountoftheeventisreprintedinWilson,Kyogle-Brisbane Golden Jubilee,pp46-47.MusgraveParkisnowSouthBrisbanePark,andisineasywalkingdistanceofSouthBrisbanestation70 Brisbane Mail,25September�930,inWilson,Kyogle-Brisbane Golden Jubilee,p50.7� The Argus,8July�926.72 Dunn,The Tweed Railway,p�67.73 The Argus,8July�926.74 StuartLee,Riverboats of the Clarence,Yamba,PortofYambaHistoricalSociety,2003,p�49.

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this 22-hour journey was a huge improvement on the 29-hour trip on the old route via wallangarra, which took its passengers over the highest railway summit in australia. after the Grafton Bridge was opened, the ferry ride across the Clarence was eliminated, cutting about an hour from the run. Passengers could then travel between Sydney and Brisbane without any change of train. from 1932 the Brisbane Limited left Sydney at 7.30pm and arrived at South Brisbane at 4pm.75 there was also a twice daily local service between Casino and Border loop, locally known as ‘the squirt’ until the war years and thereafter as the ‘mountain goat’. Initially a rail motor, from 1932 it was a mixed train taking local goods traffic, normally worked by a Z13 class tank engine of no great power, reflecting its light goods loading.76

The Grafton to South Brisbane railway was the first, and for over a decade, the only tangible result of the 1921 Royal Commission. the second would be the complementary extensions of Commonwealth railways’ trans-australia railway from Port augusta to Port Pirie and of South australian railways’ broad gauge metals from adelaide to Port Pirie, completed in 1937. this replaced two break of gauge stations (terowie and Port augusta) with one (Port Pirie). It also eliminated the circuitous and steeply graded narrow gauge section between terowie and Port augusta. like the Grafton-South Brisbane railway, these extensions created a direct route parallel to the coast where the previous route had evolved from an inland higher-altitude connection between two older port-to-hinterland railways. thereafter, although there were many plans and much debate, nothing would be achieved in standardising australia’s railway gauges until the late 1950s.

the kyogle-South Brisbane section’s brilliant prospects as a developmental railway expressed in such glowing terms in the 1916 royal Commission report were not realised, largely due to improved road transport and self-imposed legislative restrictions in Queensland. In fact, the era of the developmental railway in Australia effectively was over by 1920 and most of those built during the 1920s were dismal failures, characterised by depressing balance sheets, infrequent and poorly patronised services, and consequently short histories.

as a developmental railway, it came too late. trucks and good roads could serve the needs of small farmers better than railways from the 1920s. as a result by the 1930s the Country Party was more interested in pushing for rural road improvements than new railways to serve its constituents. the kyogle-South Brisbane railway effectively closed as a developmental railway when eighty year-old tank engine 1307 worked the last ‘mountain goat’ back down the hill from Border Loop to Kyogle in 1957, although goods traffic, especially timber, would continue to be shipped to Sydney from small stations like kyogle and wiangaree into the early 1980s.

as a main line, however, its history has been more positive and the uniform Gauge railway certainly achieved two of its three aims. Its contribution to national defence between 1941 and 1945 was enormous, so it met the military aims which had been so important a motive for the Commonwealth to fund its construction. It also has succeeded brilliantly as an intercapital link, even if it was never quite the high-speed ‘express line’ of its planners. In its early days passengers dominated its traffic, but since the war freight traffic has developed on a scale and in ways inconceivable in the 1920s.

75 NSWGRCountryTimetable,20November�932.76 Ibid;Dunn,The Tweed Railway,pp�67-�68.

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HerItage assessment


ItemName: Grafton to Brisbane Standard Gauge railway including the bridge over the Clarence river at Grafton

Other/FormerNames: nil

Location(gridreferenceif possible): see location map

Suburb/NearestTown: Major towns on the route are Grafton, Casino, kyogle, Beaudesert and Brisbane

State:New South Wales and Queensland


Owner: Rail Corporation NSW (with long term lease to ARTC), QR Limited

CurrentUse: railways, freight and passenger

FormerUse(if any): nil

Designer:nSw railway and tramway Construction Branch (nSw Department of Public works to 1917, transferred to railway and tramway Department by act of Parliament on 1/1/1917): j.w. roberts, Bridge Designer (Clarence River and other truss bridges on route); William Hutchison permanent way works, including Cougal Spiral.

Maker/Builder:Governments of NSW and Queensland using their own workforces; Clarence River bridge steelwork fabricated by Clyde Engineering but erected by nSw Government workforce.

YearStarted:1926 YearCompleted:1932

PhysicalDescription:a single track railway with passing loops, including bridges and other infrastructure, connecting South Grafton to South Brisbane.

PhysicalCondition:Good, except bascule mechanism has been removed from bridge and misplaced.

Modifications and Dates: Bridge closed to river traffic in 1970s. Signalling and other equipment updated over time.

HistoricalNotes: (see separate details)

HeritageListings (information for all listings): there are extensive listings, particularly in nSw: all of them relating to rail infrastructure, but not anciliary buildings, are reproduced in appendix B.


Historical Phase: The railway is significant historically at a NATIONAL level for being the first collaboration bewteen the Commonwealth and State governments aimed at achieving standardisation of railway gauges.

HistoricalIndividualsorAssociation:Engineers — james waller roberts (nSw Dept of Public works, principal bridge designer), william Hutchinson, Engineer in Chief for railway and tramway Construction (bridge construction and designer of Cougal spiral), F.E. Wickham and J.J.C. Bradfield (before turning his attention solely to the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Important politicians — william Hughes, who pushed its construction for defence needs while Prime Minster and, after his losing office, Earle (Grafton Christmas) Page of the subsequent Stanley–Page government.

CreativeorTechnicalAchievement:The Cougal spiral (designed by William Hutchison) was the first in Australia; the Clarence river bridge (designed by j.w. roberts) used a further development of a lifting span type developed by rall in the uSa and previously used on smaller and more lightly loaded bridges in Chicago.

Research Potential: offers research potential for both the social and technical issues connected with its construction.

Social:Linked Sydney and Brisbane by standard gauge railway, significantly reducing travel time, changing freight movement patterns (particularly coastal shipping) and marking an important phase in interstate and Commonwealth-State cooperation. In most respects, it was the last major railway project in australia undertaken by men living in camps under canvas and with energy supplied by human and animal muscles.

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an imperative for the Commonwealth in nationalising this project was born out of defence issues analysed in the 1921 royal Commission after the 1st World War. Its ambitions were firmly realised, as “Its (the railway’s) contribution to national defence between 1941 and 1945 was enormous”.

Rarity:the Clarence river bridge is the only double deck bascule opening span in australia and the largest in the world.

Representativeness:representative of the culmination of rivetted steel truss bridge design technology.

Integrity/Intactness:full length of railway intact and in use as the only Sydney–Brisbane link now operating. Bridge largely intact and in use except that important parts of the opening mechanism have been removed and mislaid. the bridge was designed for two rail tracks, but only one was ever laid and the space for the second track in now used for pipelines.

References:(see history)

Statement of Significance: The Grafton to Brisbane railway line is significant at a national level for forming the first standard gauge railway link between state capitals in Australia. Its construction was the first significant outcome of political efforts to unite the Australian colonies by standard gauge rail links; unprecedented cooperation, including parallel legislation, showed the way for subsequent endeavours.

The double deck rail/road bridge over the Clarence River at Grafton is significant at a national and world level for its technical achievement in the design of the opening span. Although using a mechanism first developed in the USA for truss bascules, it further developed it to cater for two decks with heavy loading.

The railway’s contribution to national defence between 1941 and 1945 was of high significance.

Assessed Significance (whether national, State or local): national.

Image(s)withcaption(s): (also see front cover, history and appendices)


Approaching Border Loop on down (i.e. north-bound) in 1937 (photo, Cardew collection).

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Rail motor at Border Loop, September 1930 (photo Cyril Singleton collection)

The Brisbane Limited crosses Pound Street viaduct Grafton, September 1932 (photo Clarence River Historical Society)

The Brisbane Express on the Clarence River bridge, 1948.

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J.W. Roberts designed other steel trusses on the line such as this one at Camden Haven River with timber approach spans.

A further photo of the trial erection of the bascule span at the Clyde Engineering works in Sydney.

Final stage of the erection of the bascule span by NSW government employees.

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Onshore facilities for the bridge erection.

Some of the extensive timber temporary works required for the bridge erection.

Load testing of the bridge prior to its opening.

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A RAN Corvette passes through the opened bridge, probably in the 1940s. The last known opening of the bridge was for another naval vessel in the 1970s, but details cannot be confirmed.

The Indian Pacific and an XPT pass at Border loop in 1995 (photo, McElroy).

Part of the Cougal Spiral can just be seen in this photo. Plant growth now prevents ready observation of this part of the work (photo Robert Lee, 2009).

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Modern photo of the Clarence River bridge taken from a promotional publication.

A special train hauled by Locomotive 3801 crosses the bridge in October 2005. The bridge was designed for two tracks, but the second track space is used for water mains (photo Greg Mashiah).

The concrete viaduct approaches to the bridge have high significance in their own right (photo Robert Lee, 2009).

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InterPretatIon Plan For graFton to BrIsBane natIonal raIlway lInk


Strategy for interpretation of the Engineering Heritage works is laid out in EHa’s “Guide to the Engineering Heritage recognition Program” (november 2008).

In an overall sense, interpretation will be by: marking the works with an appropriate level of Heritage Marker; a public ceremony to unveil that Marker; and an interpretation panel which summarises the heritage and significant features of the works for the public.

It is proposed, in fact, to prepare interpretation panels at two locations. The first and most immediate requirement is for an interpretation panel at Grafton adjacent to the Clarence river Bridge.

this Interpretation Plan deals only with the interpretation panel proposed for the Grafton site (another panel is also proposed for the ‘Cougal Spiral’ lookout, also as part of this Hr program, but will be addressed later.)

this Plan provides a summary of the proposal for design, content, location, manufacture and funding of the proposed Grafton panel.

Structureof InterpretationPanelforGrafton

In accordance with the latest international designs, the panel will be a self-standing sign mounted at waist height, inclined at a 30 - 40 degree angle from the horizontal to facilitate viewing by a person standing facing the panel.

the size of the panel itself will be approx. w:1200 mm x d:500 mm.

the panel material could appropriately be one of a number of suitable materials that meets high standards of corrosion and vandal resistance.

the panel surface coating containing the image could also be provided by a number of modern interpretive products now marketed for this purpose; including vitreous enamel (on steel surface), or plasticised surface-coatings. It must meet high standards of image definition, colour-fastness and scratch resistance.

the panel will be mounted on a solid and strong stand that deters/resists attack from vandals, but on the other hand provides a pleasing and clean appearance.

a ‘standard’ panel currently used by the Parks Service of the uSa is pictured.


the basic panel content will be proposed and an initial laid out by EHa(n). Both the consultant historian, Dr robert lee andd EHa(n)’s partner and sponsor of the heritage recognition award, the artC will be consulted in preparing the content.

when a satisfactory design content has been achieved, it will be submitted for the approval of the EHa Hr Cttee., and artC. following approval of the draft design and content, it will be submitted to the Ea’s Marketing Manager in the Canberra office, who will finalise the graphical content and prepare an .eps (vector graphics) file required by the surface-coating manufacturer.

USS Constitution interpretation panel, (USA Parks Service, Boston USA)

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Contentof theInterpretation

In accordance with good interpretation practice (see appendix D of the Guide) the content of the panel will be divided into three themes for ease of understanding by the public. a summary of the proposed content is provided below.


the title of the interpretation is proposed to be “the Grafton to Brisbane national railway link”. this title, while not officially acknowledged during the history of the railway, has been chosen to reflect the physicality of the section submitted for nomination as a heritage works, but also to reflect the several ‘national’ qualities for which the railway link is being recognised (see heritage assessment section). It also tries to avoid technical jargon in attracting the public’s attention to the issues being presented.


In accordance with good interpretation practice (see appendix D of the Guide) the content of the panel will be divided into three themes for ease of understanding by the public.

PrIMary tHEME (HIStorICal)

A body of text will be derived from the nomination document to summarise the railway link itself. It will briefly discuss each of: the route, the purpose of the railway, the major engineering features and its operational success.


the Clarence river Bridge of 1932 is a major component of the proposed heritage works. as this panel will be mounted in view of the bridge, the secondary theme will be the bridge itself. Topics to be briefly addressed will be: the role of the bridge as the final link in completing the railway; significant engineering features of the bridge (derived from Statement of Significance) and the bridge as an icon for the community.

tErtIary tHEME (SoCIal/PErSonal)

It is always good to add a personal theme to a story addressed to the public. In the case of the building of the bridge, it is proposed to introduce the principal bridge designer, j. w. roberts and his achievements. If possible, credits to the design and building teams may also be added.



It is proposed to include a map (possibly historical) showing the route of the railway link to illustrate the primary theme. this could be artistically added as a background to the panel.


Ideally a diagram or photo(s) of significant aspect(s) of the bridge can be selected to illustrate the secondary theme. the historical research has uncovered many possible images for this theme.


the historical research has uncovered a suitable photo of the bridge designer to add a personal touch to the tertiary theme. It is a family photo and permission will need to be obtained. In addition, several photos have come to light of the opening ceremony of the railway at which Governor-General Sir Isaac Isaacs officiated.

Locationof theInterpretationPanelandHeritageMarker

the Panel will be located in close proximity to the Clarence river Bridge at Grafton. Good interpretation policy suggests that the sign be placed at a view point for the heritage works; preferably allowing readers of the interpretation to be able to see the item, or the detail being described by looking up.

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the Hr Guide suggests that the Heritage Marker is, preferably, to be placed on the works, out of reach of damage. It should also be visible and as close as possible to the Panel. If this is not possible, then an image of the Heritage Marker can be added to the interpretation content.

an initial study of the possibilities for placement of the Heritage Marker and the Panel has already been carried out, and a suggested area for location is shown in the photos below.


Quotations for the Panel will be called from three manufacturers whom are known to have produced signs of the appropriate quality. A preferred tenderer will be selected from the responses on the basis of price, quality, service and estimate of the cost for replacement of damaged panel surface.


an estimate for the cost of the Interpretation Panel at Grafton is $2,000 – $2,500.

EHa(n) will provide volunteer and in-house design resources for the above processes and actions in order to reduce this cost to a minimum (of mainly manufacturing costs).

In his letter of acceptance of the invitation issued to the artC to support the Hr event (see attached), CEo David Marchant agreed to “…contribute towards the cost of the Interpretation Panels” in accordance with EHa’s Hr Guide.

Proposed site under Grafton Bridge for HR Ceremony and marker/Panel

Marker proposed to be located on pier marked, with panel opposite on left.

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aPPEnDICES Grafton to Brisbane natioanl railway linkNomination for NEHL

aPPendIx a

Letterof approvalfromAustralianRailTrackCorporation

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Bill Jordan & AssociatesJanuary 2005

All Saints’ ChurchAinslie, ACT

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aPPendIx B

Papersonthedesignandconstructionof theClarenceRiverbridgebyJ.W.Roberts(Transactionsof Institutionof EngineersAustralia,volume13,1932,pp.369to381and


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Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (43)

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (44)

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (45)

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (46)

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (47)

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (48)

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (49)

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (50)

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (51)

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (52)

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (53)

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (54)

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (55)

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (56)

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (57)

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (58)

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (59)

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (60)

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (61)

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (62)

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (63)

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (64)

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (65)

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (66)

Bill Jordan & AssociatesJanuary 2005

All Saints’ ChurchAinslie, ACT

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EHA (Newcastle) March 2009

aPPEnDICES Grafton to Brisbane natioanl railway linkNomination for NEHL

aPPendIx C

Heritagelistingsforelementsof therailway

(there are also a number of station buildings and precincts along the route with heritage listings which are not included)

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (68)

Bill Jordan & AssociatesJanuary 2005

All Saints’ ChurchAinslie, ACT

Grafton to BrISBanE natIonal raIlway lInk· EHA (Newcastle) March 2009 Grafton to Brisbane national railway link Nomination for NEHL. each serving a different port. In 1887 the first - [PDF Document] (69)

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Grafton Rail and Road Bridge

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ItemName of Item: Grafton Rail and Road Bridge

Other Name/s: Clarence River Bridge

Type of Item: Built

Group/Collection: Transport - Rail

Category: Railway Bridge/ Viaduct

Primary Address: North Coast Railway, Grafton, NSW 2460

Local Govt. Area: Clarence Valley

Property Description: Lot/Volume Code Lot/Volume Number Section Number Plan/Folio Code Plan/Folio Number

Boundary: The listing boundary for each structure includes the structure, the piers, abutments, embankments and track formation for a distance of 10 metres in all directions from those elements.

All Addresses

Street Address Suburb/Town LGA Parish County TypeNorth Coast Railway Grafton Clarence Valley Primary

Pacific Highway Grafton Clarence Valley Alternate

Statement of Significance

This bridge is a double-deck road/rail structure, the only one of its type in NSW and is acknowledged as significant to the State. It has a lift span to allow passing of river traffic but this is no longer used. It presents a commanding visual reminder of rail and road to residents of Grafton and is historically signficant and its opening in 1932 completed the North coast standard gauge line between Sydney and Brisbane, avoiding the winding road route via Tenterfield. The viaduct along with the wharf remains are important relics of the development of the north coast railway. The viaduct is representative of similar structures constructed at a range of locations, many of which have been replaced. This bridge is a double-deck road/rail structure, the only one of its type in NSW. There is a lift span to allow passing of river traffic (no longer used). It presents a commanding visual reminder of rail and road to residents of Grafton. Opening of the bridge in 1932 completed the North coast standard gauge line between Sydney and Brisbane, avoiding the winding route via Tenterfield. The viaduct along with the wharf remains are important relics of the development of the north coast railway. The viaduct is representative of similar structures constructed at a range of locations, many of which have been replaced. Date Significance Updated: 04 Jun 08

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Note: There are incomplete details for a number of items listed in NSW. The Heritage Branch intends to develop or upgrade statements of significance and other information for these items as resources become available.

DescriptionDesigner/Maker: J W Roberts.

Builder/Maker: Railway and Tramway Authority

Physical Description:

STRUCTURES bridge across Clarence River - double deck road/rail bridge with Bascule span, 1932, RNE timber viaduct south of station, 1915 As early as 1910 the Chief Commissioner of the New South Wales Railways wrote to the Public Works Department pointing out the necessity of a bridge over the Clarence River at Grafton and, although plans were prepared for a tentative six-span design by the Public Works Department, they were shelved with the outbreak of the First World War, so train ferries and vehicular punts continued to be used. Various sites had been looked at for the bridge, including Susan Island, Mountain View, and the present location, known as Wilsons Hill. Before actual working drawings were commenced a complete reinvestigation was made of the most efficient form of pier and method of sinking, etc. A solid pier in one unit was finally decided on for piers Nos 2,3 & 4 to be sunk to rock by means of rectangular steel caissons, and for the pier in the southern bank of clay an open excavation was chosen. Five spans were decided on and the bascule span was the Scherzer rolling type, a swing span and vertical lift span having been earlier ruled out. The amended design of the railway bridge was approved & working drawings were begun by the Railway & Tramway Department early in 1921. However, when the drawings were well advanced in December, 1922, the Minister for Works asked the Railways Commissioners to prepare new designs and estimates for a bridge to carry vehicular traffic as well. Alternative schemes were considered but putting a roadway above the railway was found to be not only the cheapest arrangement but also allowed all the previous calculations to be used. The original departmental estimate for the bridge was 400,000 pounds and when tenders were called in June, 1927, with a stipulation that only Australian steel be used throughout, only two were received, one for 488,000 pounds and the other for 497,000 pounds, so the department decided to do the work itself and in the event did it for less than its own estimate -- a far cry from modern construction estimates. Preliminary work was started in August and in the same year tenders were accepted from the Clyde Engineering Company Ltd for the manufacture and supply of steelwork for the caissons (22,000 pounds) and for the superstructure (144,500 pounds). In June, 1928, the first big pontoon for use in the work was launched at Grafton and in July the first rivet was driven by Minister for Works and Railways. In October the excavations for the first pier on the southern bank of the river were completed and filling with concrete began. Building the remaining piers proved to be the most arduous and difficult part of the undertaking but in May, 1930, the first span was floated into position and the last span early in 1932. All the bridge members were built at Granville, sent up by train, then assembled on site. The most fascinating feature of the bridge is the bascule, which was electrically operated by two 35 horsepower (26kW) motors powered by the Nymboida hydro-electric scheme. The span is of the Rall (combined rotating and travelling) type, weighs 800 tons and is carried on two large steel rollers each about 5 ft (1.5m) in diameter and 2 ft (0.6m) in width, which rolled on a steel track. The rollers moved away from the opening simultaneously with the upward rotation of the span, so that with the maximum angular movement of 80 degrees the rollers had moved back 12 ft 6 ins (3.8m) from their original position. This left an opening of 70 ft (21.3m) and with 40 ft (12.2m) of water in the channel vessels of up to 2,500 tons could pass through. The whole lifting operation took 2 minutes and occurred 4-5 times a week. As finally built the bridge consists of five steel truss spans of from 212 ft 6 ins (74m) to 245 ft (75m) in length, with the bascule span of 76 ft (23.2m) and two approach spans, being 66 ft (20m) long for the railway and 100 ft (30.5m) long for the

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roadway. The total length of the bridge is 1,500 ft (457m) and it spans 1,300 (396m) of water. CONSTRUCTION OF THE DAM (continued) During construction of the dam extensive use was made of electricity on site, and production line techniques for the quarrying of stone blocks were used for the first time. SUMMARY OF THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE DAM Date of construction: 1902 - 1907 Masonry in wall and spillway: 148,000 cu. yds (113,220 cu. m) Length of dam: 811 ft (247.2m) Length of bywash: 684.5 ft (208.6m) Width at base: 156 ft (47.6m) Width at crest: 16.5 ft (5m) Greatest depth of water: 150 ft (45.7m) Full supply level: 950 ft above sea level (289.5m) Area of lake: 2,104 acres (851.5 ha) Capacity: 20,743 million gallons (94,298 million litres) The water from Cataract Dam is discharged as required into the Cataract River downstream to Broughton's Pass. There it is diverted by another weir into Cataract Tunnel, 2 miles 93.2 km) long, the first structure of the Upper Canal by which it is conveyed to Prospect Reservoir. Also to be included in this classification is the CATARACT DAM OFFICIAL QUARTERS, situated close to the dam wall at the northern end. This single storey Federation house was built in 1910 for the use of Water Board staff during construction of the dam. It is built of ashlar masonry quarried on the site and features a verandah at the front with white painted timber posts with curved brackets and gabled entrance way. When built the house contained a board room, offices, four bedrooms and a kitchen. Over the years it provided accommodation for inspecting officers and important visitors. Today it is still used by the Water Board and can now provide sleeping accommodation for 12 people. The gardens around the house are landscaped and the garden beds edged with sandstone. Also made of sandstone is a detached garage and two amenity blocks. Surrounding the garden is a castellated sandstone fence with decorative entrance posts. A further three sandstone cottages are located nearly as well as a brick cottage. The Cataract Dam site is a very popular tourist attraction. The public area surrounding the dam is beautifully maintained by the Water Board and a large picnic area, shelter sheds, fireplaces and playground area are provided. There are also attractive gardens and bushwalks. BOUNDARY AND CURTILAGE Classification to include Dam Wall, Official Quarters and grounds defined by line from dam wall trig (9029-II-N GR 975060) to road junction at entrance to picnic area (GR 981066) around vehicle track to landing area (GR983060) and line projected back to dam wall trig. Architectural Style: Scherzer rolling type bascule span bridge. Building Material: Steel A 6-truss steel bridge linking South Grafton to Grafton. It has the distinction of being a double-deck bridge, the road being on top of the trusses, and having a double-deck bascule span for ships to pass through. Its design was the crowning achievement of the distinguished bridge engineer J W Roberts. Drawings in PH 1711 (3 rolls).

Physical Condition and/or Archaeological Potential:

Well maintained Date Condition Updated: 21 Mar 07

Current Use: Rail /Road Bridge

Former Use: Rail/Road Bridge

HistoryHistorical Notes: The Clarence River bridge, spanning the largest of the northern rivers, is a

unique structure. It is the only one of its kind in Australia, and therefore its completion may be regarded as an important epoch in the history of bridge construction. For many years the Clarence was the main obstacle in completing the rail link between Sydney and Grafton and as far back as 1905 Grafton was connected by rail with Casino in the north and in 1915 South Grafton was joined with Glenreagh in the south. When the Clarence River Bridge was built it closed the last gap in the interstate unified-gauge railway line linking not only Sydney

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and Brisbane & taking over an hour off the journey but also completing the rail link from Cairns to Perth. The first train ran over the new bridge on the 7th May, 1932, and was the largest ever run in the State (weighing over 500 tons, consisting of 15 carriages carrying 1,700 passengers Between the first and second Hawkesbury bridges, this bridge was the next largest steel railway bridge project in NSW. It has the unique features, in the NSW railway system, of double deck trusses with the road on top, and an American patented double deck bascule span to allow ships to pass through. Currently, the bascule span is not operative. The North Coast railway from Maitland to south Brisbane was built in stages starting at Maitland in 1910. By the late 1920's only the crossing of the Clarence River remained with the Ferry, "Swallow" trans-shipping rolling stock and passengers. The original bridge design did not include the road but a 1922 government decision changed that.

Historic ThemesAustralian Theme

(abbrev) New South Wales Theme Local Theme

3. Economy - Developing local, regional and national economies

Transport - Activities associated with the moving of people and goods from one place to another, and systems for the provision of such movements

(none) -

Assessment of SignificanceSHR Criteria f) [Rarity]

This item is assessed as historically rare. This item is assessed as scientifically rare. This item is assessed as arch. rare. This item is assessed as socially rare.

Assessment Criteria

Items are assessed against the State Heritage Register (SHR) Criteria to determine the level of significance. Refer to the Listings below for the level of statutory protection.


Heritage Listing Listing Title

Listing Number

Gazette Date

Gazette Number

Gazette Page

Regional Environmental Plan

23 Dec 94

Local Environmental Plan Schedule 1 23 Sep 88 147 5033

Heritage study

Study Details

Title Year Number Author Inspected by

Guidelines Used

State Rail Authority Section 170 Register

1997 SRA237 State Rail Authority


Grafton Community Heritage Study 2004 J. Gardiner Yes

References, Internet links & Images

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Type Author Year Title InternetLinks

Written Donald Ellsmore

2004 Surplus Railway Lands in the City of Grafton, NSW Conservation Management Plan

Written R. Bremmer 1982 Crossing the Clarence. ROUNDHOUSE July, 1982. MAIN ROADS Vol 47, Nos 3 & 4, 1982.

Written Simpson, P J 0 National Trust of Australia (NSW)

Note: Internet links may be to web pages, documents or images.

(Click on Thumbnail for Full Size Image and Image Details)

Data SourceThe information for this entry comes from the following source:

Name: Local Government

Database Number:


Every effort has been made to ensure that information contained in the State Heritage Inventory is correct. If you find any errors or omissions please send your comments to the Database Manager. All information and pictures on this page are the copyright of the Heritage Branch or respective copyright owners.

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Clarence River Bridge, Grafton

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ItemName of Item: Clarence River Bridge, Grafton

Type of Item: Built

Group/Collection: Transport - Rail

Category: Railway Bridge/ Viaduct

Primary Address: Steel Trusses 0.5 Km Past South Grafton, Grafton, NSW 2460

Local Govt. Area: Clarence Valley

Property Description: Lot/Volume Code Lot/Volume Number Section Number Plan/Folio Code Plan/Folio Number

All Addresses

Street Address Suburb/Town LGA Parish County TypeSteel Trusses 0.5 Km Past South Grafton Grafton Clarence Valley Primary

Owner/s Organisation Name Owner Category Date Ownership UpdatedRailCorp State Government

Statement of Significance

Between the first and second Hawkesbury bridges, this bridge was the next largest steel railway bridge project. It has the unique features, in the NSW railway system, of double deck trusses with the road on top, and an American patented double deck bascule span to allow ships to pass through. Currently, the bascule span is not operative. Note: There are incomplete details for a number of items listed in NSW. The Heritage Branch intends to develop or upgrade statements of significance and other information for these items as resources become available.

DescriptionConstruction Years: 1932 -

Physical Description: A 6-truss steel bridge linking South Grafton to Grafton. It has the distinction of being a double-deck bridge, the road being on top of the trusses, and having a double-deck bascule span for ships to pass through. Its design was the crowning achievement of the distinguished bridge engineer J W Roberts.

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Drawings in PH 1711 (3 rolls).

Physical Condition and/or Archaeological Potential:


HistoryHistorical Notes: The North Coast railway from Maitland to south Brisbane was built in

stages starting at Maitland in 1910. By the late 1920's only the crossing of the Clarence River remained with the Ferry, "Swallow" trans-shipping rolling stock and passengers. The original bridge design did not include the road but a 1922 government decision changed that.

Historic ThemesAustralian Theme

(abbrev) New South Wales Theme Local Theme

3. Economy - Developing local, regional and national economies

Transport - Activities associated with the moving of people and goods from one place to another, and systems for the provision of such movements

(none) -

Assessment Criteria Items are assessed against the State Heritage Register (SHR) Criteria to determine the level of significance. Refer to the Listings below for the level of statutory protection.


Heritage Listing Listing Title Listing Number

Gazette Date

Gazette Number

Gazette Page

Heritage Act - s.170 NSW State agency heritage register

SRA s.170 Register

Study Details

Title Year Number Author Inspected by

Guidelines Used

State Rail Authority Heritage Register Study

1999 SRA851 State Rail Authority


References, Internet links & Images

Type Author Year Title InternetLinks

Written Check SRA archive's historical notes for the North Coast railway. See "Bridges Down Under" Pages 115 - 118. See also the two 1932, I E Australia papers by

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Data SourceThe information for this entry comes from the following source:

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Name: State Government Agency

Database Number: 4440851

Every effort has been made to ensure that information contained in the State Heritage Inventory is correct. If you find any errors or omissions please send your comments to the Database Manager. All information and pictures on this page are the copyright of the Heritage Branch or respective copyright owners.

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Grafton rail and road bridge over Clarence River

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ItemName of Item: Grafton rail and road bridge over Clarence River

Other Name/s: Clarence River Bridge

Type of Item: Built

Group/Collection: Transport - Rail

Category: Railway Bridge/ Viaduct

Location: Lat:152.9420951 Long:-29.69779765

Primary Address: North Coast railway, Grafton, NSW 2460

Local Govt. Area: Clarence Valley

Property Description: Lot/Volume Code Lot/Volume Number Section Number Plan/Folio Code Plan/Folio Number

Boundary: The listing boundary for each structure includes the structure, the piers, abutments, embankments and track formation for a distance of 10 metres in all directions from those elements.

All Addresses

Street Address Suburb/Town LGA Parish County TypeNorth Coast railway Grafton Clarence Valley Primary

Pacific Highway Grafton Clarence Valley Alternate

Owner/s Organisation Name Owner Category Date Ownership UpdatedRail Infrastructure Corporation State Government

Statement of Significance

This bridge is a double-deck road/rail structure, the only one of its type in NSW. There is a lift span to allow passing of river traffic (no longer used). It presents a commanding visual reminder of rail and road to residents of Grafton. Opening of the bridge in 1932 completed the North coast standard guage line between Sydney and Brisbane, avoiding the winding route via Tenterfield. The viaduct along with the wharf remains are important relics of the development of the north coast railway. The viaduct is representative of similar structures constructed at a range of locations, many of which have been replaced. Note: There are incomplete details for a number of items listed in NSW. The Heritage Branch intends to develop or upgrade statements of significance and other information for these items as resources become available.

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DescriptionPhysical Description: STRUCTURES

bridge across Clarence River - double deck road/rail bridge with Bascule span, 1932, RNE timber viaduct south of station, 1915

Historic ThemesAustralian Theme

(abbrev) New South Wales Theme Local Theme

3. Economy - Developing local, regional and national economies

Transport - Activities associated with the moving of people and goods from one place to another, and systems for the provision of such movements

(none) -

Assessment of SignificanceSHR Criteria f) [Rarity]

This item is assessed as historically rare. This item is assessed as scientifically rare. This item is assessed as arch. rare. This item is assessed as socially rare.

Assessment Criteria Items are assessed against the State Heritage Register (SHR) Criteria to determine the level of significance. Refer to the Listings below for the level of statutory protection.

Procedures /ExemptionsSection of Act Description Title Comments Action

Date57(2) Exemption to

allow work Standard Exemptions

SCHEDULE OF STANDARD EXEMPTIONS HERITAGE ACT 1977 Notice of Order Under Section 57 (2) of the Heritage Act 1977 I, the Minister for Planning, pursuant to subsection 57(2) of the Heritage Act 1977, on the recommendation of the Heritage Council of New South Wales, do by this Order: 1. revoke the Schedule of Exemptions to subsection 57(1) of the Heritage Act made under subsection 57(2) and published in the Government Gazette on 22 February 2008; and 2. grant standard exemptions from subsection 57(1) of the Heritage Act 1977, described in the Schedule attached. FRANK SARTOR Minister for Planning Sydney, 11 July 2008 To view the schedule click on the Standard Exemptions for Works Requiring Heritage Council Approval link below.

Sep 5 2008

Standard Exemptions for Works Requiring Heritage Council Approval

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Heritage Listing Listing Title

Listing Number

Gazette Date

Gazette Number

Gazette Page

Heritage Act - State Heritage Register

01036 02 Apr 99 27 1546

Heritage Act - Icons Project Nomination for SHR listing

20 Jul 04

Heritage Act - s.170 NSW State agency heritage register

Regional Environmental Plan 23 Dec 94

Local Environmental Plan Schedule 1

23 Sep 88 147 5033

Study Details

Title Year Number Author Inspected by

Guidelines Used

State Rail Authority Section 170 Register

1997 SRA237 State Rail Authority


References, Internet links & ImagesNone

Note: Internet links may be to web pages, documents or images.

Data SourceThe information for this entry comes from the following source:

Name: Heritage Branch

Database Number: 5045477

File Number: H03/00026; H04/00091/4 (ICONS)

Every effort has been made to ensure that information contained in the State Heritage Inventory is correct. If you find any errors or omissions please send your comments to the Database Manager. All information and pictures on this page are the copyright of the Heritage Branch or respective copyright owners.

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Clarence River, Grafton Underbridge

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ItemName of Item: Clarence River, Grafton Underbridge

Type of Item: Built

Group/Collection: Transport - Rail

Category: Railway Bridge/ Viaduct

Primary Address: Concrete Beams North End Of Bridge, Grafton, NSW 2460

Local Govt. Area: Clarence Valley

Property Description: Lot/Volume Code Lot/Volume Number Section Number Plan/Folio Code Plan/Folio Number

All Addresses

Street Address Suburb/Town LGA Parish County TypeConcrete Beams North End Of Bridge Grafton Clarence Valley Primary

Owner/s Organisation Name Owner Category Date Ownership UpdatedRailCorp State Government

Statement of Significance

Possibly the first use of precast reinforced concrete beams, in keeping with the extensive use of concrete for the street crossings by the new railway through Grafton. Note: There are incomplete details for a number of items listed in NSW. The Heritage Branch intends to develop or upgrade statements of significance and other information for these items as resources become available.

DescriptionConstruction Years: 1932 -

Physical Description: 13 X 20ft (6.1m) precast concrete beams linking North end of steel truss bridge to the Northern approach viaduct. Drawings 553 - 5-K, check details.

Physical Condition and/or Archaeological Potential:


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HistoryHistorical Notes: Plain/Mass concrete has been extensively used for foundations and walls

since the 1890's. by 1910 reinforced concrete was in use, but not for superstructures directly supporting the tracks. The Locksley "culvert" was an experiment to compare costs with brick construction. Brick arch construction prevailed until the 1920's. Some reinforced concrete slab, and girder, underbridges were built between 1919 and 1933 but steel bridges prevailed for another 40 years until prestressed concrete became widely used.

Historic ThemesAustralian Theme

(abbrev) New South Wales Theme Local Theme

3. Economy - Developing local, regional and national economies

Transport - Activities associated with the moving of people and goods from one place to another, and systems for the provision of such movements

(none) -

Assessment Criteria Items are assessed against the State Heritage Register (SHR) Criteria to determine the level of significance. Refer to the Listings below for the level of statutory protection.


Heritage Listing Listing Title Listing Number

Gazette Date

Gazette Number

Gazette Page

Heritage Act - s.170 NSW State agency heritage register

SRA s.170 Register

Study Details

Title Year Number Author Inspected by

Guidelines Used

State Rail Authority Heritage Register Study

1999 SRA837 State Rail Authority


References, Internet links & Images

Type Author Year Title InternetLinks

Written Check SRA archive's historical notes for the North Coast railway.

Note: Internet links may be to web pages, documents or images.

Data SourceThe information for this entry comes from the following source:

Name: State Government Agency

Database Number: 4440837

Every effort has been made to ensure that information contained in the State Heritage Inventory is correct. If you find any errors or omissions please send your comments to the Database Manager. All information and pictures on this page are the copyright of the Heritage Branch or respective copyright

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The Risk Water Facilities

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ItemName of Item: The Risk Water Facilities

Type of Item: Built

Group/Collection: Transport - Rail

Category: Railway Water Tower/ Tank

Primary Address: The Risk, NSW 2474

Local Govt. Area: Kyogle

Property Description: Lot/Volume Code Lot/Volume Number Section Number Plan/Folio Code Plan/Folio Number

Boundary: The listing boundary is the area around each item for a distance of 50 metres in all directions.

All Addresses

Street Address Suburb/Town LGA Parish County Type The Risk Kyogle Primary

Owner/s Organisation Name Owner Category Date Ownership UpdatedRailCorp State Government

Statement of Significance

This is an excellent group of water facilities including reservoir, tanks and columns. It is a reminder of the infrastructure needed for the steam locomotive and the remote location of facilities due to the need to provide regular water supplies. Note: There are incomplete details for a number of items listed in NSW. The Heritage Branch intends to develop or upgrade statements of significance and other information for these items as resources become available.

DescriptionPhysical Description: STRUCTURES

water tank and stand - sheet metal, located away from yard water column with jib and overhead tank - located between loop and main line water resevoir - outside boundary of property pump to water reservoir


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Historical Notes: X

Historic ThemesAustralian Theme

(abbrev) New South Wales Theme Local Theme

3. Economy - Developing local, regional and national economies

Transport - Activities associated with the moving of people and goods from one place to another, and systems for the provision of such movements

(none) -

Assessment of SignificanceSHR Criteria f) [Rarity]

This item is assessed as historically rare. This item is assessed as scientifically rare.

Assessment Criteria Items are assessed against the State Heritage Register (SHR) Criteria to determine the level of significance. Refer to the Listings below for the level of statutory protection.


Heritage Listing Listing Title Listing Number

Gazette Date

Gazette Number

Gazette Page

Heritage Act - s.170 NSW State agency heritage register

SRA s.170 Register

Study Details

Title Year Number Author Inspected by

Guidelines Used

State Rail Authority Heritage Register Study

1999 SRA233 State Rail Authority


References, Internet links & ImagesNone

Note: Internet links may be to web pages, documents or images.

Data SourceThe information for this entry comes from the following source:

Name: State Government Agency

Database Number: 4440233

Every effort has been made to ensure that information contained in the State Heritage Inventory is correct. If you find any errors or omissions please send your comments to the Database Manager. All information and pictures on this page are the copyright of the Heritage Branch or respective copyright owners.

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Border Loop railway formation and landscape

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ItemName of Item: Border Loop railway formation and landscape

Type of Item: Complex / Group

Group/Collection: Transport - Rail

Category: Railway

Location: Lat:152.96214665 Long:-28.35295588

Primary Address: North Coast Railway, Cougal, NSW

Local Govt. Area: Kyogle

Property Description: Lot/Volume Code Lot/Volume Number Section Number Plan/Folio Code Plan/Folio Number

Boundary: The listing boundary is the whole section of line withinthe SRA property boundaries along the tracks including structures, foundations, formation, etc from Congal to the north end ofthe border tunnel.

All Addresses

Street Address Suburb/Town LGA Parish County TypeNorth Coast Railway Cougal Kyogle Primary

Owner/s Organisation Name Owner Category Date Ownership UpdatedRailCorp State Government 21 Oct 98

Statement of Significance

This section of line contains a unique set of later structures vividly showing how the railway line was built to surmount the summit of Richmond Gap on the NSW/Qld border. The spiral is a frequently used device by railway engineers to increase height in a short distance where topography is suitable. Note: There are incomplete details for a number of items listed in NSW. The Heritage Branch intends to develop or upgrade statements of significance and other information for these items as resources become available.

DescriptionPhysical Description: STRUCTURES

underbridge - steel RSJ on concrete piers, 869.4km tunnel - concrete 871.9km tunnel - concrete 872.6km crossing loop - border loop 875.1km tunnel on border with Queensland 875.5km

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spiral LANDSCAPE the whole section of line from Congal to the Border loop

Assessment of SignificanceSHR Criteria f) [Rarity]

This item is assessed as historically rare. This item is assessed as scientifically rare. This item is assessed as arch. rare.

Assessment Criteria Items are assessed against the State Heritage Register (SHR) Criteria to determine the level of significance. Refer to the Listings below for the level of statutory protection.

Procedures /ExemptionsSection of Act Description Title Comments Action

Date57(2) Exemption to

allow work Standard Exemptions

SCHEDULE OF STANDARD EXEMPTIONS HERITAGE ACT 1977 Notice of Order Under Section 57 (2) of the Heritage Act 1977 I, the Minister for Planning, pursuant to subsection 57(2) of the Heritage Act 1977, on the recommendation of the Heritage Council of New South Wales, do by this Order: 1. revoke the Schedule of Exemptions to subsection 57(1) of the Heritage Act made under subsection 57(2) and published in the Government Gazette on 22 February 2008; and 2. grant standard exemptions from subsection 57(1) of the Heritage Act 1977, described in the Schedule attached. FRANK SARTOR Minister for Planning Sydney, 11 July 2008 To view the schedule click on the Standard Exemptions for Works Requiring Heritage Council Approval link below.

Sep 5 2008

Standard Exemptions for Works Requiring Heritage Council Approval


Heritage Listing Listing Title

Listing Number

Gazette Date

Gazette Number

Gazette Page

Heritage Act - State Heritage Register

01027 02 Apr 99 27 1546

Heritage Act - s.170 NSW State agency heritage register

Study Details

Title Year Number Author Inspected by

Guidelines Used

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State Rail Authority Section 170 Register

1997 SRA245 State Rail Authority


References, Internet links & ImagesNone

Note: Internet links may be to web pages, documents or images.

Data SourceThe information for this entry comes from the following source:

Name: Heritage Branch

Database Number: 5011937

Every effort has been made to ensure that information contained in the State Heritage Inventory is correct. If you find any errors or omissions please send your comments to the Database Manager. All information and pictures on this page are the copyright of the Heritage Branch or respective copyright owners.

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